Catalog of Cuneiform Commentaries

Displaying 76 - 100 of 139

(Search tipsMuseum or Excavation No: e.g. K.1913, BM 42882, 83-1-18,727, Ash.1924,492, or VAT 17122.
Copy or Edition: e.g. Finkel, 2005 or Civil, 1974, (with comma); but CT 41 28 or SpTU 1 142 (no comma). Also Civil, 1974, or SpTU 1.
No quotation marks!

CCP and CDLI no Museum or Exc no Copy Editions Genresort descending Owner and Scribe Edition Rubric
7.2.u135 (P470016) BM 39845 MiscellaneaUnknown No
7.2.u76 (P402468) K.17086 MiscellaneaUnknown No Broken
7.2.u119 (P470002) BM 39132 MiscellaneaUnknown No
7.2.u94 (P469977) BM 34475 MiscellaneaUnknown Yes Broken
7.2.u77 (P403116) K.17826 MiscellaneaUnknown Yes Broken
7.2.u51 (P461207) BM 41637 MiscellaneaUnknown Yes
7.2.u22 (P461157) BM 37773 MiscellaneaUnknown No
7.2.u178 (P447968) Rm.929 MiscellaneaUnknown Yes Broken
7.2.u170 (P470050) BM 48672 MiscellaneaUnknown No
7.2.u137 (P470018) BM 39864 MiscellaneaUnknown Yes Broken
7.2.u118 (P470001) BM 39067 MiscellaneaUnknown No
7.2.u93 (P469976) BM 32574 STC 1 216-217 MiscellaneaUnknown Ea-tabtan(ni)-uṣur s. Bēl-aplu-uṣur d. Atkuppu (owner) Yes None
7.2.u102 (P461200) BM 36246 MiscellaneaUnknown No
7.2.u165 (P470044) BM 48375 MiscellaneaUnknown Yes
7.2.u19 (P461150) BM 37212 MiscellaneaUnknown Yes Broken
7.2.u97 (P239214) K.13663 Meissner Supplement pl. 17 MiscellaneaUnknown Yes Broken
7.2.u166 (P470046) BM 48532 MiscellaneaUnknown Yes Broken
7.2.u136 (P470017) BM 39860 MiscellaneaUnknown No
7.2.u117 (P470000) BM 39031 MiscellaneaUnknown Yes
7.2.u92 (P469975) BM 31739 MiscellaneaUnknown No
7.2.u75 (P239247) K.14129 MiscellaneaUnknown No Broken
7.2.u44 (P461196) BM 40978

Oshima, 2014T. Oshima, Babylonian Poems of Pious Sufferers. Ludlul Bēl Nēmeqi and the Babylonian Theodicy. Mohr Siebeck, 2014.: 168 [BM 40978!]

MiscellaneaUnknown Yes Broken
7.2.u18 (P461148) BM 37059 Lambert Folio 9329 [tr] MiscellaneaUnknown Ea(??)-nāṣir s. Marduk-aḫa/nāṣir-x (owner) No Broken
7.2.u8 (P237396) 83-1-18,727 MiscellaneaUnknown Yes Broken
7.2.u138 (P470019) BM 39893 MiscellaneaUnknown No
