Catalog of Cuneiform Commentaries

Displaying 101 - 125 of 608

(Search tipsMuseum or Excavation No: e.g. K.1913, BM 42882, 83-1-18,727, Ash.1924,492, or VAT 17122.
Copy or Edition: e.g. Finkel, 2005 or Civil, 1974, (with comma); but CT 41 28 or SpTU 1 142 (no comma). Also Civil, 1974, or SpTU 1.
No quotation marks!

CCP and CDLI no Museum or Exc no Copy Editions Genre Owner and Scribe Edition Rubricsort descending
3.1.52.C.b (P238277) K.3558 ACh 2 Suppl 66 DivinationAstrological. Enūma Anu Enlil No mukallimtu 1a
3.1.69 (P238165) K.2329 AAT 91-92, ACh Ištar 30, TBWW 20 [rev] DivinationAstrological. Enūma Anu Enlil No mukallimtu 1a
3.5.54 (P424630) Rm.122 RA 13 pp. 28 and 30

Langdon, 1916S. Langdon, Assyrian Grammatical Texts, Revue d'Assyriologie, vol. 13, pp. 27-34, 1916.: 27-33

DivinationTerrestrial omens (Šumma Ālu) Asb Typ k var (owner) No mukallimtu 1b
3.4.3.B.a (P286017) BM 122636 CT 51 156 [BM 122636+ BM 123357]

Koch-Westenholz, 2000bU. Koch-Westenholz, Babylonian Liver Omens. The Chapters Manzāzu, Padānu and Pān Tākalti of the Babylonian Extispicy Series mainly from Aššurbanipal's Library. Museum Tusculanum, 2000.: 151-172 no. 20

DivinationExtispicy (Bārûtu) Asb Typ o var (owner) No mukallimtu 3b
3.4.8.M.c (P397569) K.8289 Geers Heft Aj 17 DivinationExtispicy (Bārûtu) Asb Typ a (owner) No mukallimtu 3c
3.2.u2 (P394053) K.1776 AAT 5 [K.6051], ACh Sîn 19 [K.6051] DivinationAstrological. Sîn ina tāmartīšu Asb. (owner according to findspot); Nabû-zuqup-kenu (scribe? Name broken away in colophon); text copied from a an older version from Borsippa. (owner) Nabû-zuqup-kēna (?) (scribe) No mukallimtu 4
3.1.58.B.c (P396995) K.7056 ACh Ištar 3

Reiner & Pingree, 1998bE. Reiner and Pingree, D. , Babylonian Planetary Omens. Part Three. Styx, 1998.: 138

DivinationAstrological. Enūma Anu Enlil No mukallimtu 4 or 5
3.1.u19 (P364325) BM 35509 LBAT 1577 DivinationAstrological. Enūma Anu Enlil No ṣâtu
3.1.u73 (P395530) K.4404 2R 44 7 DivinationAstrological. Enūma Anu Enlil No ṣâtu 2a
3.5.17 (P238204) K.2895 5R 31 1, CT 41 25

Freedman, 1998S. M. Freedman, If a City is set on a Height. The Akkadian omen series šumma ālu ina mēlê šakin. Volume 1: Tablets 1-21. The University of Pennsylvania Museum, 1998.: 253-300

Labat, 1933R. Labat, Commentaires assyro-babyloniens sur les présages. Imprimerie-Librairie de l’Université, 1933.: 24-29

DivinationTerrestrial omens (Šumma Ālu) No name (owner) No ṣâtu 2b
3.5.41 (P238219) K.2919 CT 41 28

Labat, 1933R. Labat, Commentaires assyro-babyloniens sur les présages. Imprimerie-Librairie de l’Université, 1933.: 40-49

DivinationTerrestrial omens (Šumma Ālu) No name (owner) No ṣâtu 2b
3.5.30 (P237754) K.1 5R 31 2, CT 41 26-27

Labat, 1933R. Labat, Commentaires assyro-babyloniens sur les présages. Imprimerie-Librairie de l’Université, 1933.: 30-39

Moren[-Freedman], 1978S. M. Moren[-Freedman], The omen series šumma ālu. PhD thesis, 1978.: 315-316 [part of rev]

DivinationTerrestrial omens (Šumma Ālu) No name (owner) Yes ṣâtu 2b & 3a
3.6.2.A (P238218) K.2918 RA 17 130-131

de Zorzi, 2014N. de Zorzi, La serie teratomantica Šumma Izbu. Testo, tradizione, orizzonti culturali. Sargon Editice e Libreria, 2014.: 505, 524-525

Leichty, 1970E. Leichty, The Omen Series Šumma Izbu. Augustin, 1970.: 229-230

DivinationTeratological omensIzbu Tabular No ṣâtu 2c
3.2.u7 (P348505) IM 74375 SpTU 1 84

Hunger, 1976H. Hunger, Spätbabylonische Texte aus Uruk. Teil I. Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1976.: 89-90 no. 84

DivinationAstrological. Sîn ina tāmartīšu UB-iá [...] (or Bēltīya-[...]) (owner) No ṣâtu 2c
3.5.94 (P237784) K.118 CT 41 33, Geers Heft O 116

Labat, 1933R. Labat, Commentaires assyro-babyloniens sur les présages. Imprimerie-Librairie de l’Université, 1933.: 70-75

DivinationTerrestrial omens (Šumma Ālu) No name (owner) No ṣâtu 2c
3.5.103 (P237781) K.103 CT 41 34

Labat, 1933R. Labat, Commentaires assyro-babyloniens sur les présages. Imprimerie-Librairie de l’Université, 1933.: 76-79

DivinationTerrestrial omens (Šumma Ālu) Yes ṣâtu 2c
3.6.1.A.d (P399276) K.11393

Leichty, 1970E. Leichty, The Omen Series Šumma Izbu. Augustin, 1970.: 211-229

DivinationTeratological omensPrincipal Commentary No ṣâtu 3b
3.6.1.A.f (P395429) K.4159 RA 17 158 [K.8209], ZA 4 17 [K.4159]

Labat, 1933R. Labat, Commentaires assyro-babyloniens sur les présages. Imprimerie-Librairie de l’Université, 1933.: 96-97 no. 11

Leichty, 1970E. Leichty, The Omen Series Šumma Izbu. Augustin, 1970.: 211-229 [K.8209 only]

DivinationTeratological omensPrincipal Commentary No ṣâtu 3b
3.5.48 (P461299) BM 92700 CT 41 32

Labat, 1933R. Labat, Commentaires assyro-babyloniens sur les présages. Imprimerie-Librairie de l’Université, 1933.: 66-69

DivinationTerrestrial omens (Šumma Ālu) Nabû-balāssu-iqbi s. Marduk-zēru-ibni d. Egibatila (owner) Nabû-šumu-līšir (his son) (scribe) Yes ṣâtu 3b
3.1.23 (P364300) BM 45665 LBAT 1551

van Soldt, 1995W. H. van Soldt, Solar omens of Enūma Anu Enlil: Tablets 23(24)-29(30). Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 1995.: 3, 15-16, 48

DivinationAstrological. Enūma Anu Enlil No ṣâtu 3b
3.1.8.A.a (P363690) AO 6464 TCL 6 17

Robson, 2009 (GKAB)

Hunger, 1995H. Hunger, Ein Kommentar zu Mond-Omina, in Vom Alten Orient zum Alten Testament. Festschrift für Wolfram Freiherrn von Soden zum 85. Geburtstag am 19. Juni 1993, W. Dietrich and Loretz, O. , Eds. Butzon & Kevelaer, 1995, pp. 105-118.: 105-118

DivinationAstrological. Enūma Anu Enlil Iqīšāya s. Ištar-šumu-ēriš d. Ekurzakir (owner) Yes ṣâtu 4b
3.1.20.B.b (P392620) VAT 7825 AfO 14 pl. vi

Robson, 2009 (GKAB)

Rochberg, 1988F. Rochberg, Aspects of Babylonian Celestial Divination: The Lunar Eclipse Tablets of Enūma Anu Enlil. Berger & Söhne, 1988.: 227-228

DivinationAstrological. Enūma Anu Enlil Anu-balāssu-iqbi s. Anu-aḫa-ittannu d. Aḫu'utu (owner) Tanitti-Anu (s. Anu-balāṭu-iqbi d. Aḫu'utu) (scribe) Yes ṣâtu 4b
3.6.3.E (P348493) IM 74363 SpTU 1 72

Cohen, forthcomingY. Cohen, The šumma immeru (“If a sheep..”) Omens: A Case Study of Transmission, Reception, and Text Production in the Ancient Near East. .

Besnier, 2009 (GKAB)

Hunger, 1976H. Hunger, Spätbabylonische Texte aus Uruk. Teil I. Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1976.: 74-76 no. 72

DivinationTeratological omensIzbu cola LB Uruk Anu-ikṣur d. Šangû-Ninurta [junior āšipu] (owner) Yes ṣâtu 6a
3.8.2.A (P461210) BM 42286 CT 41 39 [BM 42286]

Labat, 1933R. Labat, Commentaires assyro-babyloniens sur les présages. Imprimerie-Librairie de l’Université, 1933.: 98-103

Labat, 1965R. Labat, Un calendrier Babylonien des travaux des signes et mois (séries iqqur īpuš). Librairie Honoré Champion, 1965.: 218, §§ 1, 30-31, 66, 103-105

DivinationMenologiesSéries mensuelles Šamaš-aḫḫē-bulliṭ s. Nabû-šumu-ibni d. [Iddin-Papsukkal] (?), kalû (?) of Nabû (owner) Nabû-apla-uṣur s. Nabû-aḫḫē-iddin d. Iddin-Papsukkal (scribe) Yes ṣâtu 7a
3.5.45.A (P348641) IM 76978 SpTU 2 36

Besnier, 2009 (GKAB)

von Weiher, 1983E. von Weiher, Spätbabylonische Texte aus Uruk. Teil II. Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1983.: 158-159 no. 36

DivinationTerrestrial omens (Šumma Ālu) Ninurta-ušabši s. Enlil-kēšir (?), brewer of Enlil (?) (owner) No ṣâtu 7c
