CCP 3.6.1.A.l - Izbu (gurru maḫīru) A

Catalogue information
Vorderasiatisches Museum
VAT 10071
Ass 1114
AššurAššur, N2 (hB4V, eastern corner of Ziqqurrat)
BWL pl. 73

Cavigneaux & Güterbock & Roth & Farber, 1985A. Cavigneaux, Güterbock, H. G. , Roth, M. T. , and Farber, G. , The Series Erim-huš = anantu and An-ta-gál = šaqû. Pontificium Institutum Biblicum, 1985.: 7, 24, 45

Lambert, 1960bW. G. Lambert, Babylonian Wisdom Literature. Clarendon Press, 1960.: 31, 125

Leichty, 1970E. Leichty, The Omen Series Šumma Izbu. Augustin, 1970.: 211-229

DivinationTeratological omensPrincipal Commentary


Base text: 
Izbu (gurru maḫīru)
Commentary no: 
Tablet information
Complete tablet
obv 9-11
7th cent (Assurbanipal libraries and other Assyrian cities)
(Šumma-balāṭ s. Nabû-aḫa-iddina ?)

Borger, 1967R. Borger, Handbuch der Keilschriftliteratur. Band I. Repertorium der sumerischen und akkadischen Texte. de Gruyter, 1967.
[t73 VAT 10071 und VAT 10756) Schultafeln, cf p356f. Auszüge aus Vokabularen, dem Šumma Izbu-Kommentar und literarischen Texten.]
: 267

Borger, 1975R. Borger, Handbuch der Keilschriftliteratur. Band II. Supplement zu Band I. de Gruyter, 1975.
[t73 VAT 10071 und VAT 10756) Schultafeln, siehe p356f. Auszüge aus Vokabularen und literarischen Texten. VAT 10071 Z. 9-11 Leichty Šumma izbu p211ff]
: 161

Cavigneaux & Güterbock & Roth & Farber, 1985A. Cavigneaux, Güterbock, H. G. , Roth, M. T. , and Farber, G. , The Series Erim-huš = anantu and An-ta-gál = šaqû. Pontificium Institutum Biblicum, 1985.
[Edition of the Erimḫuš excerpts]
: 7, 24, 45

Civil, 2004M. Civil, The Series Diri = (w)atru. Pontificium Institutum Biblicum, 2004.
[Edition of the DIRI excerpt]
: 105

Frahm, 2011E. Frahm, Babylonian and Assyrian Text Commentaries. Origins of Interpretation. Ugarit-Verlag, 2011.: 204, 206, 252, 271

Lambert, 1960bW. G. Lambert, Babylonian Wisdom Literature. Clarendon Press, 1960.
[Edition of the excerpts from Ludlul and the Šamaš hymn]
: 31, 125

Leichty, 1970E. Leichty, The Omen Series Šumma Izbu. Augustin, 1970.
: 211-229

Pedersén, 1986O. Pedersén, Archives and Libraries in the City of Assur. A Survey of the Material from the German Excavations. Almqvist & Wiksell, 1986.
[(1) Ass. 1114; VAT 10071; school tablet; BWL, pp. 356f., pI. 73; cf. MSL 17, pp. 24ff.]
: 31a

Weiershäuser, 2007F. Weiershäuser, Beobachtungen zur Entwicklung des Korpus lexikalischer Texte in Assur, in Studien zu Ritual und Sozialgeschichte im Alten Orient / Studies on Ritual and Society in the Ancient Near East. Tartuer Symposien 1998-2004, T. Kämmerer, Ed. de Gruyter, 2007, pp. 349-365.: 354 fn. 15

Veldhuis, 05/2017 (ATF Transliteration)
Jiménez, 05/2017 (Translation)
Sáenz, 05/2017 (Annotation)
Sáenz, 05/2017 (Introduction)
Lenzi, 02/2018 (Correction [introduction])
By Luis Sáenz | Make a correction or suggestion
How to cite
Sáenz, L., 2017, “Commentary on Izbu (gurru maḫīru) (CCP 3.6.1.A.l),” Cuneiform Commentaries Project (E. Frahm, E. Jiménez, M. Frazer, and K. Wagensonner), 2013–2025; accessed March 10, 2025, at DOI: 10079/pvmcvsj
© Cuneiform Commentaries Project (Citation Guidelines)

This school tablet was found at Assur, in the House N2. As such, it very likely belonged to the archive of Nabû-aḫa-iddina and Šumma-balāṭ.1 It preserves excerpts from 9 different works, separated by rulings. The excerpted works are the following:


1-2: Erim-ḫuš II, ll. 234-237
3-5: Erim-ḫuš III, ll.12-17
6-8: Diri I, ll. 247-249
9-11: ‘Principal Commentary’ on Šumma Izbu (gurru maḫīru), ll. 121-123
12-14: ḫar-gud I, ll. 12a, 13, 17
Bottom edge
15-16: Maqlû IV, ll. 135-136
17-18: Great Hymn to Šamaš ll. 138-139
19-20: Ludlul bēl nēmeqi I, ll. 82-83
21-22: Enūma eliš I, ll. 22-23
23-24: Erra Epic I, ll. 73-74


Remarkably, the tablet VAT 10756, a school tablet from the same archive, preserves excerpts from the following lines of the same texts cited in the present tablet. Thus, whereas VAT 10071 cites Erimḫuš II 234-237, VAT 10756 quotes Erimḫuš II 238-240. The only text cited in the present tablet and not in VAT 10756 is the ‘Principal Commentary on Šumma Izbu’ (ll. 9-11 of the present tablet).

In fact, the present tablet is the only known school tablet to contain an extract from a commentary. As noted by E. Frahm, “it is likely that the ‘Principal Commentary’ owes its exceptional inclusion in Ass. 1114 to the fact that it could be used as a lexical list in its own right.”2


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