CCP 3.8.1.D - Iqqur īpuš, série génerale D

Catalogue information
Vorderasiatisches Museum
VAT 10801
AššurAššur, N1 (?)
KAR 398

Labat, 1965R. Labat, Un calendrier Babylonien des travaux des signes et mois (séries iqqur īpuš). Librairie Honoré Champion, 1965.: §§ 5, 7-8, 11, 19, 20, 25, 51-53

DivinationMenologiesSérie générale


Base text: 
Iqqur īpuš, série génerale
Commentary no: 
Tablet information
1 (or >)
obv 12, rev 16
7th cent (Assurbanipal libraries and other Assyrian cities)

CAD A/1 231a[“Catalogue”]

CAD K 133a[“Ālu Catalogue”]

Frahm, 2011E. Frahm, Babylonian and Assyrian Text Commentaries. Origins of Interpretation. Ugarit-Verlag, 2011.: 35, 118, 207, 215, 271, 277

Labat, 1965R. Labat, Un calendrier Babylonien des travaux des signes et mois (séries iqqur īpuš). Librairie Honoré Champion, 1965.
: §§ 5, 7-8, 11, 19, 20, 25, 51-53

Lauinger, 2016J. Lauinger, Iqqur īpuš at Tell Tayinat, Journal of Cuneiform Studies, vol. 68, pp. 229-248, 2016.
[On line 4]
: 241 ad obv 5

Frahm, 08/2016 (Collation)
Jiménez, 05/2017 (Transliteration)
Jiménez, 05/2017 (Translation)
Jiménez, 05/2017 (Introduction)
By Enrique Jiménez | Make a correction or suggestion
How to cite
Jiménez, E., 2016, “Commentary on Iqqur īpuš, série génerale (CCP 3.8.1.D),” Cuneiform Commentaries Project (E. Frahm, E. Jiménez, M. Frazer, and K. Wagensonner), 2013–2025; accessed March 6, 2025, at DOI: 10079/f7m0ctw
© Cuneiform Commentaries Project (Citation Guidelines)

This small and badly broken tablet from Assur contains, on its obverse, a series of protases from the menological series Iqqur īpuš. Several explanations are appended to the protases in a second column. These explanations are badly damaged, but they appear to be identical to those found in other excerpts from the series Iqqur īpuš, e.g. K.98+ (CCP 3.8.1.A), MLC 2627 (CCP 3.8.1.B), and BM 50634 (CCP 3.8.1.E).

The reverse of the tablet, however, contains a series of protases of the Šumma Ālu type. Since the topics of the omens seem to be very heterogeneous, it has been proposed that, rather than an excerpt from that series, the present tablet would represent a catalogue of incipits (thus e.g. CAD A/1 231a).

The same combination of commented Iqqur īpuš protases and Šumma Ālu-type omens can be found in CTN 4 49 (CCP 3.5.u4).


The tablet (VAT 10801) was collated in the Vorderasiatisches Museum by Eckart Frahm in August 2016.


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(Base textCommentaryQuotations from other texts)


KAR 398[via ccpo]

o 1o 1

* É [x x]


“If he [] a house” (= Iqqur īpuš uncertain) [refers to the man) who ].

o 22

* É

šá giš[IG i-zaq-qa-pu]

“If he builds a house” (= Iqqur īpuš §5) (refers to the man) who [erects a] d[oor.]

o 33

* É i-qur

šá É? [SUMUN KÚR-ma GIBIL ip-pu-šu]1

“If he tears down a house” (= Iqqur īpuš §7) (refers to the man) who [removes] an old] house [and builds a new one.]

o 44

* É i-x

šá x-bi-[...]2

“If he a house” (= Iqqur īpuš uncertain) (refers to the man) who [].

o 55

* É-su ud-diš

šá si-i-[ri ...]3

“If he renovates a house” (= Iqqur īpuš §20) (refers to the man) [who the] wall-p[laster.]

o 66

* É KÚRir

šá la!-[pa-an GISKIM È-ma ana É-šú MAN-ma ir-ru-bu]

“If he changes (his) house” (= Iqqur īpuš §11) (refers to the man) who, f[leeing bad omens, leaves (his house) and enters another house of his.]

o 77

* IDIM-BI i-šur

šá [...]

“If he musters his idim (= Iqqur īpuš §25) (refers to the man) who [].

o 88


[šá ...]

“If he repeatedly changes a brazier” (= Iqqur īpuš §51) [(refers to the man) who ].

o 99

* KI.NE [ŠUBdi]

[šá ...]

“If he [sets up] a brazier” (= Iqqur īpuš §52) [(refers to the man) who ].

o 1010


[šá ...]

“If he [renovates] a brazier” (= Iqqur īpuš §53) [(refers to the man) who ].

o 1111

* x [...]

If []

o 1212

* x [...]

I[f ]

r 1'r 1'

* x [...]

“If [].”

r 2'2'

* UR.GI₇ [...]

“If a dog [] (= Šumma Ālu XLVII?).

r 3'3'

* a-a-ṣu [...]

“If a weasel [] (= Šumma Ālu XLVII?).

r 4'4'

* máš!?-gal-lu x [...]

“If a billy goat []

r 5'5'

* UZU.DIR ina [...]

“If lichen in [] (= Šumma Ālu XIII).

r 6'6'

* ka-tar-ru [...]

“If fungus [] (= Šumma Ālu XII 29-42).

r 7'7'

* ka-tar-ru [...]

“If fungus [] (= Šumma Ālu XII 29-42).

r 8'8'

* ina É NA x [...]

“If in a man’s house [] (= Šumma Ālu XIV 51, 60-64).

r 9'9'

* ina É NA [...]

“If in a man’s house [] (= Šumma Ālu XIV 51, 60-64).

r 10'10'

* ina É NA [...]

“If in a man’s house [] (= Šumma Ālu XIV 51, 60-64).

r 11'11'

* ina É NA [...]

“If in a man’s house [] (= Šumma Ālu XIV 51, 60-64).

r 12'12'

[(*)] x im-me-du-ma [...]

[] they imposed and []

r 13'13'

[(*)] KI ana ku-šu-[...]

[(If)] []

r 14'14'

[(*)] KI ana ku-šu-[...]

[(If)] []

r 15'15'

[(*)] gišSI.GAR.Ì.GU₇.E NU (⸢x) x x PAD [...]4

[(If)] a lock that uses oil []

r 16'16'

[(*) x] x ina É NA x x [x x] šá-ri-i [...]

[(If) ] in a man’s house [] [].

end of reverse

1Elsehwhere the explanation reads šá SUMUN KÚR-ma … (e.g. in CCP 3.8.1.A r 14). However, according to Frahm’s collation, the sign after šá begins with two horizontals, and therefore cannot be SUMUN or la.

2Perhaps i-qur! | šá la!-bi-[ra KÚR-ma GIBIL ip-pu-šu].

3Compare ¶ É iṣ-ṣi šá si-i-ri i-ḫal-la-šu, “‘If he diminishes a house’ (= Iqqur īpuš §8) (refers to the man) who scrapes off the wall-plaster”; in CCP 3.8.1.A r 15.

4Compare Ḫḫ V 295: gišSI.GAR.Ì.GU₇.E = ši-[ga-ru a]-kil šam-ni, “lock that uses oil.”

Photos by Eckart Frahm

© Vorderasiatisches Museum