CCP 3.4.3.F - Bārûtu 3 Manzāzu / 4 Padānu F

Catalogue information
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Nippur(Nippur) (Uruk) (?)
OECT 11 81
DivinationExtispicy (Bārûtu)

ṣâtu 6b

Base text: 
Bārûtu 3 Manzāzu / 4 Padānu
Commentary no: 
Tablet information
obv. 13, rev. 13
5,6 × 4,0 × 1,7 cm
Achaemenid (5th cent - 331 BCE) (Uruk, Anu-ikṣur / Nippur / Babylon)
[Ištar-šum-iddina (?)] s. Sîn-nādin-aḫḫē d. Gimil-Sîn

Frahm, 2011E. Frahm, Babylonian and Assyrian Text Commentaries. Origins of Interpretation. Ugarit-Verlag, 2011.: 29, 54-55, 63, 69, 178, 311-12

Gabbay, 2016U. Gabbay, The Exegetical Terminology of Akkadian Commentaries. Brill, 2016.
[On line 7]
: 119

Gabbay & Jiménez, forthcomingU. Gabbay and Jiménez, E. , From Nippur to Uruk: The Tablets of the Gimil-Sîn Family.
[On the colophon]

Jursa, 2004M. Jursa, Neubabylonische Texte, in Texte zum Rechts- und Wirtschaftsleben, B. Janowski and Wilhelm, G. , Eds. Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2004, pp. 89-110.
[Probably not from Dilbat]
: 91 fn. 8

Jiménez, 06/2014 (ATF Transliteration)
Jiménez, 06/2014 (Translation)
Jiménez, 06/2014 (Lemmatization)
Jiménez, 06/2014 (Introduction)
Gabbay, 03/2015 (Suggestions [colophon, provenance])
Jiménez, 08/2016 (Commentary markup)
By Enrique Jiménez | Make a correction or suggestion
How to cite
Jiménez, E., 2014, “Commentary on Bārûtu 3 Manzāzu / 4 Padānu (CCP 3.4.3.F),” Cuneiform Commentaries Project (E. Frahm, E. Jiménez, M. Frazer, and K. Wagensonner), 2013–2025; accessed March 14, 2025, at DOI: 10079/6t1g1xs
© Cuneiform Commentaries Project (Citation Guidelines)

This tablet contains part of a commentary on selected entries from third and fourth subseries (Manzāzu and Padānu, respectively) of the great extispicy series Bārûtu. The tablet was acquired in the 1920s in the Antiquities market, reportedly from Dilbat (rencently, however, Jursa has expressed some skepticism about this provenance).1 As pointed out by U. Gabbay (personal communication, 3/2015), the tablet is more likely to stem from Nippur and to come from uncontrolled excavations in that city or, more likely, in Uruk: the scribe of the tablet, [Ištar-šum-iddina (?)] son of Sîn-nādin-aḫḫē descendant of Gimil-Sîn, is also known from three other commentaries believed to stem from Nippur, CCP 3.1.u5, CCP 4.1.21, and CCP 4.2.P. The colophon of the present tablet also displays close affinities with the colophons of those two commentaries. Moreover, as communicated by U. Gabbay, the rubric contained in this tablet, ṣâtu 6b, is particularly common in commentary tablets from Nippur and Uruk.


The first line of the tablet simply enuntiates the incipit of the base text, without commenting on it. The second line contains a gloss rendering syllabically a logogram and then, apparently, a line that seems to expand on the gloss. After these two entries there is a blank space, after which there is a rubric that classifies what precedes as a ṣâtu-commentary on Manzāzu, chapter 6.

After this extremely short section there are some more entries whose base text is difficult to ascertain. They provide explanations founded on synonymity (e.g. o 6 šūšur, "straight," is explained as kunnu, "firm") or phonetic similarity (o 9 kaksû, a deformation on the exta, is explained as kakku gaṣṣu, "murderous weapon"). In one case the commentary explains the rare name karšû, which designates some deformation on the exta, by comparing it with a "leatherworker's knife."

The obverse breaks after a few lines. The beginning reverse contains meager remains of two lines, separated from the rest by means of a blank space. After this, there are some badly damaged lines that seem to address the reader in the second person (r 5' ina pîka tašakkan, "put in your mouth").

The tablet uses cola to divide the explananda from the explanations, but no termini technici are preserved.


Collation of the tablet in July 2014 was facilitated by Dr. Paul Collins, Curator for Ancient Near East (Ashmolean Museum), to whom thanks are expressed.

  • 1. M. Jursa, Neubabylonische Texte, in Texte zum Rechts- und Wirtschaftsleben, B. Janowski and Wilhelm, G. , Eds. Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2004, pp. 89-110. P. 91 fn. 8

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(Base textCommentaryQuotations from other texts)


OECT 11, 081[via ccpo]

o 1o 1

[BE] TA ŠÀ SAG NA GIŠ.ḪUR ana ME.NI eṣ-ret-ma gišTUKUL -te-lim1

(o 1) "If a drawing is drawn from the centre of the top of the Position (a part of the liver) to the Palace Gate (a part of the liver) and it equals in height the Weapon (a part of the liver)." (= Manzāzu 6 1)

o 22

BE ina SAG 15 NA BAD-ma is-si-ma

(o 2) "If in the right top the Position is removed (BAD-ma)" (= Manzāzu 6 37); (BAD-ma means) "it is removed," (i.e.), "in the right top the Position is it is opened towards the Finger (a part of the liver)."

o 33

    ina SAG 15 NA ana ŠU.SI i-pat-tu-ma

(2 lines blank)
o 44

ṣa-a- šu-ut KA u maš-a-a-al- šá KA um-man-nu

(o 4) Lemmata, oral explanations, and (materials for) a 'questioning' by a (master-)scholar, relating to "If a drawing is drawn from the centre of the top of the Position (a part of the liver) to the Palace Gate (a part of the liver)" (= Manzāzu 6 1).

o 55

šá ŠÀ BE TA ŠÀ SAG NA GIŠ.ḪUR ana ME.NI eṣ-ret-ma

(4 lines blank)
o 66

BE GÍR GAR ki-bi-is GÌR KI DINGIR šu-šur : šu-šur : kun-nu

(o 6) "If the Path (a part of the liver) is there, the steps of the man will be straight with regard to the gods" (= K.9186 [BLO no. 91] 7'), "to be straight" means "to be firm."

o 77

BE GÍR ka-bi-is-ma ina MAŠ.GÁN-šú kár-šu-ú GAR : kár-šu-u* GIM* GÍR AŠGAB

(o 7) "If the Path is trodden and there is a karšû-mark in its place" (cf. Padānu 4 11), the karšû-mark is like the knife of a leatherworker.

o 88

BE GÍR ka-bi-is-ma ina MAŠ.GÁN-šú kak-su-ú GARin

(o 8) "If the Path is trodden and there is a kaksû-mark in its place" (cf. Padānu 4 12), kaksû-mark means "murderous weapon."

o 99

    kak-su-ú : kak-ku ga-aṣ-ṣa2

o 1010

[BE GÍR] 15* ana gišTUKUL -te-lim u PAP.ḪAL 15 DU₈*

(o 10) "If the right Path equals in height the Weapon and the right Narrowness (a part of the liver) is split open and the Position is curved and points to the Gall Bladder" (= unknown base text).

o 1111

    ù? NA i-lam-ma i-na-aṭ-ṭa-lu3

o 1212

[BE GÍR] ana 15 u 2.30 ma-qit : GÍR si-ip-pi* 15 u [2.30 (x x)]

(o 12) "If the Path descends to right and left" (cf. e.g. BLO 35 ii 7') refers to the Path of the right [and left] Edges (of the Palace Gate, parts of the liver).

o 1313

    [x x x x x] x x x [x x x x]

(o 13) ...

(rest of obverse missing)
rr NaN  (beginning reverse missing)
r 1'r 1'

[x x x x] šá a-na x x [x x x]

(r 1') ...

r 2'2'

[x x x x]-in [x x x x x x]

(4 lines blank)
r 3'3'

[x x x x x]-si? ú-šal?-[x]-x [x x x x]

(r 3') ...

r 4'4'

[x x x] x-ka?-ti-ka [x x x x]

r 5'5'

[x x x] x ina pi-i-ka ta-šak-[kan]

(r 5') [...] put in your mouth [(these words) ...], in my heart [...].

r 6'6'

[x x x]-šú? šá-nin? ina lìb-bi-ia x [x x x]

r 7'7'

[x x x x x x x] a?-ḫa?-at? x-x [x x x]

r 8'8'

[ṣa-a- ù] šu-ut KA* [šá] KA* um-ma-nu4

(r 8') [Lemmata and] oral explanations [following] the sayings of a (master-)scholar, [relating to "If a drawing is drawn from the centre of the top of the Position" (?)].

r 9'9'


r 10'10'

im-gíd-[da] mdU?.[DAR?-MU?-MU? lu]KA.INIM.MA TUR.DIŠ5

(r 10') One-column tablet of [Ištar-šum-iddina], young exorcist, son of Sîn-nādin-[aḫḫē, whose personal god] is Nuska, servant of Ninurta and slave of Gula, descendant of Gimil-Sîn.

r 11'11'

DUMU d30-na-din-[ŠEŠ-MEŠ DINGIR]-šu dNUSKA6

r 12'12'


r 13'13'

[pa-li]-iḫ dME.ME la i-tab-bal

r 14'14'

[li-iṣ-ṣur] li-ša--er

(r 14') [The reve]rer of Gula should not steal this tablet. He should protect it and esteem it.

1Koch-Westenholz CNIP 25 (2000) p. 105 and fn. 297 believes that uštēlim is an emendation of UŠ-ši (the form attested in K.3846, the only manuscript that preserves the base text).

2The equation is probably based on the phonetic similarity between kaksû and kak(ku gaṣ)ṣu. Compare Ludlul I 34: ana kī gaṣṣu kakkīšu, "though his weapon is fierce."

3Apparently lines 10-11 receive no explanation.

4Collation reveals that the rubric belongs to the ṣâtu 6b type.

5The reading and interpretation of the last two words of the line as āšipu ṣeḫru is courtesy of U. Gabbay (private communication).

6The first name is restored after the colophon in CCP 4.1.21 (courtesy U. Gabbay). The indication of the identity of personal god is restored after the same colophon.

7d.LUM.MA is probably a learned writing of a god name, such as Ea (cf. Lambert BWL p. 310, courtesy U. Gabbay), Marduk (cf. Ee VII 87) or, more likely, Ninurta (CT 25 pl. 11 l. 22). The reading of the first sign of the line as ÌR is due to U. Gabbay, as is also the decipherment of the signs in UR ME.ME. The ÌR of this tablet suggests understanding AMA.A.TU in CCP 4.1.21, another colophon by the same scribe, as arad (cf. AMA.A.TU = ardu in CAD A/2 243b). On the other hand, UR ME.ME should be understood here and in the other two colophons by the same scribe (CCP 3.1.u5 and CCP 4.1.21) as an epithet of the scribe Sîn-nādin-aḫḫē, rather than as a family name.

Photos by Enrique Jiménez and CDLI

© Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford