CCP 3.1.u5 - Enūma Anu Enlil 53 (?)

Catalogue information
National Museum of Iraq
IM 76968
W 22730/5
UrukUruk, Ue XVIII/1, II RB
SpTU 3 101

Robson, 2009 (GKAB)

von Weiher, 1988E. von Weiher, Spätbabylonische Texte aus Uruk. Teil III. Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1988.: 191-194 no. 101

DivinationAstrological. Enūma Anu Enlil


Base text: 
Enūma Anu Enlil 53 (?)
Tablet information
1 (or >)
obv. 37, rev. 22
12,0 × 6,0 cm
Early Hellenistic (late 4th cent) (Uruk, Iqīšāya)
[Ištar-šum-iddina (?) s. Sîn-nādin-aḫḫē d. Gimil-Sîn]
[...] s. Enlil-bēlšunu, nêšakku-priest of Enlil
[Nippur] (?)

Farber, 1989aW. Farber, (W)ardat-Lilî(m), Zeitschrift für Assyriologie, vol. 79, pp. 14-35, 1989.: 240 fn. 271

Frahm, 2011E. Frahm, Babylonian and Assyrian Text Commentaries. Origins of Interpretation. Ugarit-Verlag, 2011.
[Especially on the colophon.]
: 30, 47, 165-66, 294, 297-99, 304, 315

Gabbay & Jiménez, forthcomingU. Gabbay and Jiménez, E. , From Nippur to Uruk: The Tablets of the Gimil-Sîn Family.
[On the colophon]

Genty, 2010aT. Genty, Les commentaires dans les textes cunéiformes assyro-babyloniens. MA thesis, 2010.
: 514

Oelsner, 1991J. Oelsner, Review of von Weiher SpTU 3, Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, vol. 86, pp. 41-48, 1991.
: 43

Robson, 2011bE. Robson, The production and dissemination of scholarly knowledge, in The Oxford Handbook of Cuneiform Culture, K. Radner and Robson, E. , Eds. Oxford University Press, 2011, pp. 557-576.
[On the colophon.]
: 567

von Weiher, 1988E. von Weiher, Spätbabylonische Texte aus Uruk. Teil III. Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1988.
: 191-194 no. 101

Robson, 01/2009 (ATF Transliteration)
Robson, 01/2009 (Lemmatization)
Jiménez, 05/2015 (Revision)
Jiménez, 05/2015 (Collation)
Jiménez, 05/2015 (Translation)
Jiménez, 05/2015 (Introduction)
Jiménez, 05/2015 (Annotation)
Jiménez, 08/2016 (Commentary markup)
Fadhil & van Ess, 10/2017 (Museum number)
By Enrique Jiménez | Make a correction or suggestion
How to cite
Jiménez, E., 2015, “Commentary on Enūma Anu Enlil 53 (?) (CCP 3.1.u5),” Cuneiform Commentaries Project (E. Frahm, E. Jiménez, M. Frazer, and K. Wagensonner), 2013–2025; accessed March 2, 2025, at DOI: 10079/x69p8rz
© Cuneiform Commentaries Project (Citation Guidelines)

This tablet preserves some fifty fragmentary lines of a commentary on the astrological series Enūma Anu Enlil, specifically on a section of the series that deals with the movement of planets and stars. Since the part of the series commented upon in this tablet (ca. tablets 52-54) is still unedited, it is very difficult to ascertain to which line of the base text each commentarial entry refers. It is however possible to recognize close parallels with other astrological commentaries, and in particular with the large tablet CCP 3.2.2.A , a manuscript of Sîn ina tāmartīšu 2 from Nineveh. The lines for which parallels have been identified are indicated in the edition below.

The present tablet was found on level II of the Ue 18-1 area of Uruk. This level is commonly associated with the tablet collection of Iqīšāya, and this tablet may in fact have belonged to that collection. However it may be, the colophon of the tablet does not mention this scribe, but rather a certain Enlil-bēlšunu, nêšakku-priest of Enlil, who is known to have been a member of the Gimil-Sîn family.1 The tablet was thus probably written in Nippur, and only at a later stage brought to Uruk and integrated into Iqīšāya’s library.2

The rubric of the tablet states that the text was copied “from a wooden writing board (containing) a mukallimtu commentary on Enūma Anu Enlil.” This tablets represents in fact one of the only three commentary texts from outside Nineveh whose rubrics classify them as mukallimtu commentaries.3 Moreover, the format of the present tablet, in which the quotations from the base text are written at the beginning of the line, but all subsequent commentarial entries are indented, is typical of the Nineveh mukallimtu commentaries, but only seldom seen in Late Babylonian texts. For this reason, and also because of the close parallels that can be found with Nineveh commentaries, it seems likely that the present tablet reflects a tradition that either originated in Nineveh or reached the Assyrian capital at some point.

Although the right hand side of the tablet is missing, and in consequence most of the explanations are lost, the scope of the commentary is clear when the entries that are paralleled in other commentaries are considered. The main goal of the present text seems to be to list astronomical equivalents for the planets and stars mentioned in the base text. By doing so, it provides more interpretive possibilities for its base text.


The present edition has benefited from a set of photographs of the tablet kindly made available by the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. Thanks are expressed to Irmgard Wagner. It has also benefited greatly from an electronic transliteration and translation prepared by Eleanor Robson for the GKAB project, which was kindly made available by its editor.


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(Base textCommentaryQuotations from other texts)


SpTU 3, 101[via ccpo]

o (1-2 line missing)
o 1'1'

* mul[...]

(o 1') "If the [...] star [...] the mouth of the river" [...] river [...].

o 2'2'

    KA ÍD [...]

o 3'3'

    ÍD [...]

o 4'4'

* dUDU.IDIM ana mulx-x x x x x x MIN ZIMBIRki [...]

(o 4') "If a planet [approaches the ...] star [...]; Sippar [...]" the Crab is the river of Ningirsu, Mars [...].

o 5'5'

    mulAL.LUL ÍD dNIN.GÍR.SU mulṣal-bat-a-nu [...]1

o 6'6'

* mulṣal-bat-a-nu mulAL.LUL TE ELAM.MA ZI URU DABbat ši-[...]

(o 6') "If Mars approaches the Crab: Elam will arise. A city will be seized." [...]

o 7'7'

* mulMAN-ma <ana> mulAL.LUL TE NUN ÚŠ     mulMAN-ma mul[...]

(o 7') "If the Strange star approaches the Crab: a prince will die." The Strange star is the [...] star [...].

o 8'8'

* mulU₄.KA.DU₈.A ana mulKU₆ TE dIDIM ina ABZU KU₆* ÍD RA[iṣ ...]2

(o 8') "If the Leopard approaches the Fish, Ea will flood a river fish in the Apsû [...] and submerge (it)" means that Tiāmat will show her features to the people [...].

o 9'9'

    i-šal-li ti-amat bu-un-na-an-ni-šú UN-ME ú-kal-lam [...]

o 10'10'

* mulUR.BAR.RA mulU₄.KA.DU₈.A! TE UR.MAḪ u UR.BAR.RA-MEŠ [...]

(o 10') "If the Wolf approaches the Leopard: lions and wolves will devour [...]. ... will thrive." Anu [...] star.

o 11'11'

    GU₇-ME LU NIM pi-si-ri SI. d60 mul[...]

o 12'12'

* MUL.MUL mulŠUDUN KURud ina MU BI GÁN.BA TURer x [...]

(o 12') "If the Plejades reach the Yoke: that year [...] business will diminish." [...].

o 13'13'

* MUL.MUL mulKA.MUŠ.Ì.GU₇.E KURud ina MU BI [...]

(o 13') "If the Plejads reach the Obliterator: that year [...]" [...].

o 14'14'

* MUL.MUL mulAMAR.UTU KURud ina MU BI um-mu u um-ši [GÁLši ...]

(o 14') "If the Plejades reach the Marduk-star: that year there will be heat during the summer" [...].

o 15'15'

* MUL.MUL mulÉLLAG KURud ina MU BI um-mu x [...]

(o 15') "If the Plejades reach the Kidney: in that year heat ..." [...].

o 16'16'

* MUL.MUL mul.IKU KURud a-ki-lu GÁLši dIŠKUR [RAiṣ ...]3

(o 16') "If the Plejades reach the Field: there will be (a plague of) caterpillars. Adad [will flood ..." ...].

o 17'17'

* MUL.MUL mul.IKU KURud GUN gišGIŠIMMAR d[x ...]

(o 17') "If the Plejades reach the Field: the yield of the date palm will diminish [..." ...].

o 18'18'

* mula-ru₆ ana MUL.MUL KURud dIŠKUR [RAiṣ ...]4

(o 18') "If the Frond reaches the Plejades: Adad [will flood ..." ...].

o 19'19'

* mula-ru₆ ana mulUG₅ KURud ŠE.GIŠ.Ì NIM SIG₅! mul[UDU.IDIM.SAG. mulza-ap-pa KURud ...]5

(o 19') "If the Frond reaches the Raven: the early flax will be fine" means that Saturn approaches the Plejades [...].

o 20'20'

* mulLU.LIM MUL.MUL KURud GU₇ti [dIMIN.BI ...]6

(o 20') "If the Stag reaches the Plejades: plague of [the Sebetti" ...].

o 21'21'

* mulTI₈mušen ana MUL.MUL TE dIŠKUR [RAiṣ ...]7

(o 21') "If the Eagle approaches the Plejades: Adad [will flood" ...].

o 22'22'

* mulPAN ana mulTI₈mušen KURud ŠE.GIŠ.Ì SIG₅ [...]8

(o 22') "If the Bow reaches the Eagle: the sesame will be good." [...].

o 23'23'

* mulPAN ana mulŠUL.PA.È KURud ELAM.MAki NINDA GU₇ [...]9

(o 23') "If the Bow reaches Šulpae: Elam will eat (good) bread" [...].

o 24'24'

* mulPAN ana mulKAK.SI. KURud BURU₁₄ SI. [KI.LAM GI.NA ...]10

(o 24') "If the Bow reaches the Arrow: the harvest will go well. [The market will prosper" ...].

o 25'25'

* mulÙZ mul.IKU KUR-ma GUBiz ina MU BI Á.[SÀG GÁL ...]11

(o 25') "If the Goat reaches the Field and stands (there): in that year [there will be] an asakku-demon" [...].

o 26'26'

* mulÙZ mulUR.BAR.RA KURud ina MU BI [ŠUB bu- ...]12

(o 26') "If the Goat reaches the Wolf: in that year [there will be loss of livestock" ...].

o 27'27'

* mulÙZ mulgišGÁNA.ÙR! KURud ina MU BI [GABA.RI dMIN dMIN ...]13

(o 27') "If the Goat reaches the Harrow: in that year [..." ...].

o 28'28'

* mulÙZ dUTU KURud SU.GU₇ bu- Ú.GUG GÁLši ddele-bat dŠUL.PA.È [KUR-ma ...]14

(o 28') "If the Goat reaches the Sun: hunger of livestock. There will be famine" means that Venus [reaches] Šulpae [(...)].

o 29'29'

* mulUG₅.GA KASKAL dUTU KURud KI.LAM TUR [...]15

(o 29') "If the Raven reaches the path of the Sun: trade will diminish" [...].

o 30'30'

* mulUG₅.GA ana dŠUL.PA.È KURud x [...]

(o 30') "If the Raven reaches Šulpae, [..." ...].

o 31'31'

* mulAMAR*.UTU* ana mulAL.LUL KURud ŠE*.GIŠ*.[Ì SIG₅ ...]16

(o 31') "If Marduk's star reaches the Crab: the flax will be fine" [...] Jupiter [...].

o 32'32'

    dSAG.ME.GAR [...]

o 33'33'

* mulÉLLAG ana mulUGAmušen i-mid [ŠE.GIŠ.Ì SIG₅ AN.GE₆ ...]17

(o 33') "If the Kidney leans on the Raven: [the flax will be fine; there will be an eclipse" ...].

o 34'34'

[* mulPAN (ana)] mulUG₅.GA i-mid KU₆-ME u* [MUŠEN-ME ud-daš-šú-ú ...]18

(o 34') ["If the Bow] leans [(on)] the Raven: fish [and birds will flourish" ...].

o 35'35'

[x x x] x-il-lu mula-nu-ni-tu₄ [...]

(o 35') ["...] ... Annunitu [..." ...].

o 36'36'

[* mulUR.BAR].RA mulUR.MAḪ KURud x [...]19

(o 36') ["If the Wolf] reaches the Lion: ..." [...].

o 37'37'

[* mulÙZ KASKAL] dUTU KURud SU.GU₇ bu-[ Ú.GUG GÁLši ...]20

(o 37') ["If the Goat] reaches the [path] of the Sun: hunger in [the livestock, there will be famine" ...].

(rest of obverse missing)
rr NaN  (start of reverse missing)
r 1'r 1'

[x] x x x [...]

(r 1') [...] ... [...].

r 2'2'

* mulUG₅.GA x x x x x x x [...]

(r 2') "If the Raven ..." [...].

r 3'3'

* mulUDU.IDIM 6 ITI ina ANe !(É-)tab-ri-ma [la ir-bi ...]

(r 3') "If a planet remains visible in the sky for 6 months and [does not set ...] until sunset [..." ...].

r 4'4'

    EN dUTU.ŠÚ.A [...]

r 5'5'

* mulUR.MAḪ MUL-MEŠ-šú il-tap-pu-ú [3.20 KI DUku NÍG.È (...)]21

(r 5') "If the Lion's stars repeatedly flare up [the king will be victorious wherever he goes" (...)].

r 6'6'

* mulIM.ŠU.RIN.NA x x x-ta-/šá-a [...]

(r 6') "If the Oven ..." [...].

r 7'7'

* mulKU₆ MUL-MEŠ!-šú GE₆! [...]22

(r 7') "If the Fish's stars are dark [..."] Saturn [...].

r 8'8'

    dSAG. x [...]

r 9'9'

* mulŠU.GI kur-kur-ru-šú i-nam!-bu-[uṭ ...]

(r 9') "If the Old Man's kurkurru becomes bright [..." means that] Venus [stands at the Old Man's] foot [(...)].

r 10'10'

    ddele-bat KI GÌR [mulŠU.GI GUB (...)]

r 11'11'

* mulŠU.GI GABA-su du-ʾu-mat [...]

(r 11') "If the Old Man's chest is very dark [..."] Saturn [...] in the star [...].

r 12'12'

    dSAG. ina mul[...]

r 13'13'

* mulddele-bat KI ni-ṣir- KURud SIG₅ [ana mulUR.GU.A KUR-ma (...)]23

(r 13') "If Venus approaches its hypsoma, it is favorable" [means that she approaches the Lion, ...].

r 14'14'

* diš₈-tár ina dUTU.È ina mulUR.GU.[LA ...]

(r 14') "If Ištar [...] at sunrise in the Lion" [...].

r 15'15'

* diš₈-tár ina dUTU.ŠÚ.A ina mulUR.GU.[LA ...]

(r 15') "If Ištar [...] at sunset in the Lion" [...].

r 16'16'

* mulUDU.IDIM [...]

(r 16') "If a planet [..." ...].

r 17'17'

TA ŠÀ gišDA mu-kal-<lim>- * U₄ AN dEN.LÍL. [...]

(r 17') [Copied] from a wooden writing board (containing) a mukallimtu-commentary on Enūma Anu Enlil [...].

r 18'18'


(r 18') Written and collated according to its original. Long-tablet [of ...], whose god is Nuska (and) whose goddess is Sadar[nuna (?), servant of Ninurta (?) (...)], servant of Gula, who prays to Enlil (?), Ea/Bēl (?) [and (?) ... Hand of ...], son of Enlil-bēlšunu, the nêšakku-priest of Enlil, de[scendant (?) of Gimil-Sîn (?)].

r 19'19'


r 20'20'

UR dME.ME mu-sa₇-*-ú ZA.GÌN.NA.KA É.[(KUR).BI ...]

r 21'21'

A mdEN.LÍL-EN-šú-nu NU.ÈŠ dEN.LÍL DUMU [mŠU-d30]

r 22'22'

lugal-ŋu₁₀ ši-maḫ nam-maḫ-zu me-téš i-i dMAŠ [ši-maḫ nam-maḫ-zu me-téš i-i]24

(r 22') My king, you are magnificent let your magnificence be praised! Ninurta, [you are magnificent let your magnificence be praised!]

(end reverse missing)

1For the Crab star as the "River of Ningirsu," see Weidner AfO 20 (1963) p. 117 fn. 9 and id. Gestirn-Darstellungen p. 22 and 88 fn. 88.

2Compare perhaps Lugale 93: ku₆-bi engur-ra ud mi-ni-íb-ra-aḫ | nūnšu ina apsî Adad irḫiṣ-ma, "Adad smote its fish in the apsû."

3The line is also attested in LB 1321 r 4' (CCP 3.2.2.A).

4The line is also attested in LB 1321 r 5' (CCP 3.2.2.A).

5The line is also attested in LB 1321 r 20' (CCP 3.2.2.A).

6The line is also attested in LB 1321 r 6' (CCP 3.2.2.A).

7The line is also attested in LB 1321 r 9' (CCP 3.2.2.A).

8The line is also attested in LB 1321 r 12' (CCP 3.2.2.A).

9The line is also attested in LB 1321 r 14' (CCP 3.2.2.A).

10The line is also attested in LB 1321 r 13' (CCP 3.2.2.A).

11The line is also attested in LB 1321 r 15' (CCP 3.2.2.A).

12The line is also attested in LB 1321 r 16' (CCP 3.2.2.A).

13The line is also attested in LB 1321 r 17' (CCP 3.2.2.A).

14This line is written on the left edge of the tablet. The line is also attested in LB 1321 r 18' (CCP 3.2.2.A).

15The line is also attested in LB 1321 r 23' (CCP 3.2.2.A).

16The line is also attested in LB 1321 r 24' (CCP 3.2.2.A).

17The line is also attested in LB 1321 r 25' (CCP 3.2.2.A).

18The line is also attested in LB 1321 r 27' (CCP 3.2.2.A).

19The line is also attested in LB 1321 r 29' (CCP 3.2.2.A).

20The line is also attested in LB 1321 r 18' (CCP 3.2.2.A).

21The line is identical with that of Mulapin II iii 30. It also commented upon in the letter SAA 10 160 o 21. See Hunger Fs Reiner (1987) p. 160 ad 21.

22The interpretation of the line adopte here deviates from von Weiher's.

23Restored with DT 47 13 (CCP 3.1.58.F.c, Reiner & Pingree BPO 3 [1998] p. 232).

24Quotation from Angim 5-6.