CCP 4.2.P - Therapeutic (šumma amēlu qerbūšu ittanappaḫū), bulṭu bīt Dābibi 22 P

Catalogue information
Arkeoloji Müzerleri, Istanbul
BAM 4 401
Geers Heft Ac 56
ZA 10 194-197, 202-207
Ph. K. 412/3

Scheil, 1895V. Scheil, Fragments de Syllabaires assyriens, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie, vol. 10, pp. 193-221, 1895.: 202-207

MedicalTherapeutic texts

ṣâtu 7c

Base text: 
Therapeutic (šumma amēlu qerbūšu ittanappaḫū), bulṭu bīt Dābibi 22
Commentary no: 
Tablet information
obv 21, rev 14
Achaemenid (5th cent - 331 BCE) (Uruk, Anu-ikṣur / Nippur / Babylon)
Sîn-nādin-aḫḫē (?) s. (ginû) Arad-Gula (?) d. Gimil-Sîn (?)
Ištar-šum-iddina (?) s. (Sîn-nādin-aḫḫē ?)

Bácskay, 2014A. Bácskay, Interpretation of a medical commentary text BAM 401, in Studies in Economic and Social History of the Ancient Near East in Memory of Péter Vargyas, Z. Csabai, Ed. Department of Ancient History, University of Pécs - L'Harmattan, 2014, pp. 503-520.
[Article entirely devoted to the commentary.]

Borger, 1967R. Borger, Handbuch der Keilschriftliteratur. Band I. Repertorium der sumerischen und akkadischen Texte. de Gruyter, 1967.
[Scheil ZA 10 (1895) 193ff. 194-197 und 202-207 nI) Medizinischer Kommentar. Cf Landsberger JNES 14 18 (Vs.! 8), ZA 41 223 (Vs.! 14); Meier AfO 12 237f. (Rs.! 13), OrNS 8 302

(Vs.! 15ff).]: 465

Borger, 1975R. Borger, Handbuch der Keilschriftliteratur. Band II. Supplement zu Band I. de Gruyter, 1975.
[194-197 und 202-207 nI) = Köcher BAM IV n401]
: 255

Civil, 1974aM. Civil, Medical Commentaries from Nippur, Journal of Near Eastern Studies, vol. 33, pp. 329-338, 1974.
[On line 33-35: Colophon, subscript]
: 336

Frahm, 2011E. Frahm, Babylonian and Assyrian Text Commentaries. Origins of Interpretation. Ugarit-Verlag, 2011.: 29, 54, 232, 236-37, 288

Gabbay, 2016U. Gabbay, The Exegetical Terminology of Akkadian Commentaries. Brill, 2016.
[On line 12]
: 135

Gabbay & Jiménez, forthcomingU. Gabbay and Jiménez, E. , From Nippur to Uruk: The Tablets of the Gimil-Sîn Family.
[On the colophon]

Geller, 2000M. J. Geller, Incipits and Rubrics, in Wisdom, Gods and literature: studies in Assyriology in honour of W.G. Lambert, A. R. George and Finkel, I. L. , Eds. Eisenbrauns, 2000, pp. 225-258.
[On line 13]
: 253 ad 18

Köcher, 1978F. Köcher, Spätbabylonische medizinische Texte aus Uruk, in Medizinische Diagnostik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Festschrift für H. Goerke zum sechzigsten Geburtstag, C. Habrich, Marguth, F. , and Wolf, J. H. , Eds. Werner Fritsch, 1978, pp. 17-39.
[On line 33: bīt Dābibi]
: 33 fn. 14

Moran, 1981W. L. Moran, duppuru (dubburu): ṭuppuru, Too?, Journal of Cuneiform Studies, vol. 33, pp. 44-47, 1981.
[On line 29-30: Read šit!-pu-ru]
: 44 fn. 3

Reiner, 1958E. Reiner, Šurpu. A Collection of Sumerian and Akkadian Incantations. Selbtverlag, 1958.
[On line 10-11: bandudû]
: 60a

Scheil, 1895V. Scheil, Fragments de Syllabaires assyriens, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie, vol. 10, pp. 193-221, 1895.: 194-197, 202-207

Schramm, 2008W. Schramm, Ein Compendium sumerisch-akkadischer Beschwörungen. Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2008.
[On line 9]
: 195-196

Scurlock & Andersen, 2005bJ. A. Scurlock and Andersen, B. R. , Diagnoses in Assyrian and Babylonian Medicine. Ancient Sources, translations, and Modern Medical Analyses. University of Illinois Press, 2005.
[On line 22-23: miqqānu]
: 82

Stadhouders, 2011H. Stadhouders, The Pharmacopoeial Handbook Šammu šikinšu - An Edition, Le Journal des Médecines Cunéiformes, vol. 18, pp. 4-51, 2011.
[On line 13-14]
: 16 fn. 78

Wiggermann, 1992F. A. M. Wiggermann, Mesopotamian Protective Spirits. Styx, 1992.
[On line 31: giš.šà-gišimmar = uqūru]
: 85

Wiggermann, 2008F. A. M. Wiggermann, A Babylonian Scholar in Assur, in Studies in Ancient Near Eastern World View and Society. Presented to Marten Stol on the occasion of his 65th Birthday, R. J. van der Spek, Ed. CDL Press, 2008, pp. 203-234.
[On line 33]
: 227

By Eckart Frahm & Mary Frazer & Enrique Jiménez | Make a correction or suggestion
How to cite
Frahm, E. & Frazer, M. & Jiménez, E., 2013, “Commentary on Therapeutic (šumma amēlu qerbūšu ittanappaḫū), bulṭu bīt Dābibi 22 (CCP 4.2.P),” Cuneiform Commentaries Project (E. Frahm, E. Jiménez, M. Frazer, and K. Wagensonner), 2013–2025; accessed February 16, 2025, at DOI: 10079/6djhb7w
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