Catalog of Cuneiform Commentaries

Displaying 26 - 50 of 126

(Search tipsMuseum or Excavation No: e.g. K.1913, BM 42882, 83-1-18,727, Ash.1924,492, or VAT 17122.
Copy or Edition: e.g. Finkel, 2005 or Civil, 1974, (with comma); but CT 41 28 or SpTU 1 142 (no comma). Also Civil, 1974, or SpTU 1.
No quotation marks!

CCP and CDLI no Museum or Exc no Copy Editions Genresort descending Owner and Scribe Edition Rubric
7.2.u26 (P461167) BM 38273 MiscellaneaUnknown No
7.2.u150 (P470028) BM 45446 MiscellaneaUnknown No
7.2.u10 (P461112) A 3458 MiscellaneaUnknown No Broken
7.2.u21 (P270969) BM 37647 MiscellaneaUnknown No Broken
7.2.u151 (P470030) BM 46199 MiscellaneaUnknown No
7.2.u127 (P470009) BM 39631 MiscellaneaUnknown No
7.2.u106 (P469988) BM 38197 MiscellaneaUnknown No
7.2.u83 (P238616) K.6151 Geers Heft B 30, Lambert Folio 9014 [tr] MiscellaneaUnknown Yes None
7.2.u64 (P461251) BM 53611 MiscellaneaUnknown No Broken
7.2.u29 (P461171) BM 38421 MiscellaneaUnknown No Broken
7.2.u9 (P391353) A 1596

Weisberg, 2003D. B. Weisberg, Neo-Babylonian texts in the Oriental Institute Collection. Oriental Institute, 2003.: 183-184 no. 165

MiscellaneaUnknown Yes Broken
7.2.u48 (P461202) BM 41297 MiscellaneaUnknown No Broken
7.2.u126 (P470008) BM 39612 MiscellaneaUnknown No Broken
7.2.u59 (P461239) BM 48042 MiscellaneaUnknown Yes Broken
7.2.u103 (P469985) BM 36595 Lambert Folio 9328 [tr] [BM 37055], Lambert Folio 9844 [tr] [BM 36595], Livingstone MMEWABS pl. vii [BM 37055]

Livingstone, 1986A. Livingstone, Mystical and Mythological Explanatory Works of Assyrian and Babylonian Scholars. Eisenbrauns, 1986.: 68-70 [BM 37055]

MiscellaneaUnknown Marduk-šar-ilī (?) s. Minû-ana-Bēl-dan d. Ileʾʾi-[Marduk] (owner) Yes None
7.2.u82 (P420198) K.22027 MiscellaneaUnknown No Broken
7.2.u63 (P461249) BM 53149 MiscellaneaUnknown No Broken
7.2.u28 (P461170) BM 38411 MiscellaneaUnknown No Broken
7.2.u3 (P348583) IM 135050 SpTU 1 164 MiscellaneaUnknown Yes Broken
7.2.u36 (P461181) BM 38902 MiscellaneaUnknown No Broken
7.2.u149 (P470027) BM 45105 MiscellaneaUnknown No
7.2.u125 (P470060) BM 39598 MiscellaneaUnknown No
7.2.u100 (P469982) BM 36030 MiscellaneaUnknown No
7.2.u81 (P419277) K.20927 MiscellaneaUnknown No Broken
7.2.u30 (P461172) BM 38590 MARI 5 p. 413

Lambert, 1987bW. G. Lambert, A Vocabulary of an Unknown Language, Mari. Annales de Recherches Interdisciplinaires, vol. 5, pp. 409-413, 1987.: 409-413

MiscellaneaUnknown No
