CCP 3.1.u97 - Enūma Anu Enlil, eclipses

Catalogue information
A 3423
DivinationAstrological. Enūma Anu Enlil


Base text: 
Enūma Anu Enlil, eclipses
Tablet information
9,8 × 6,5 × 2,9 cm
Seleucid / Parthian (3rd cent - ca 100 BCE) (Babylon / Uruk)
Ossendrijver, 04/2017 (Identification)
Ossendrijver, 04/2017 (Transliteration)
Jiménez, 04/2017 (Revision, collation)
Jiménez, 04/2017 (Transliteration)
Jiménez, 04/2017 (Introduction)
Gabbay, 05/2017 (Suggestions [ll. 10′-11′])
By Mathieu Ossendrijver | Make a correction or suggestion
How to cite
Ossendrijver, M., 2017, “Commentary on Enūma Anu Enlil, eclipses (CCP 3.1.u97),” Cuneiform Commentaries Project (E. Frahm, E. Jiménez, M. Frazer, and K. Wagensonner), 2013–2024; accessed April 28, 2024, at DOI: 10079/0cfxq1s
© Cuneiform Commentaries Project (Citation Guidelines)

This fragment of a commentary, kept in the Tablet Collection of the Oriental Institute (University of Chicago),1 is written in a very slanted script, which suggests that it dates to the Seleucid or Parthian period. It may stem from the Rēš Temple in Uruk. It contains remains of a commentary on an astrological text dealing with eclipses. According to its rubric, it is a commentary on omens from the astrological series Enūma Anu Enlil, although the specific section of the series commented upon cannot be identified. Hoever, a section of the present tablet in which the colors of the eclipse are related to different planets (ll. 5′-6′) appears in a similar form in the commentary TCL 6, 17 o 8-10 (CCP 3.1.8.A.a), a commentary on Enūma Anu Enlil VIII.


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OIM A03423


[...] x x [...]

[] []


[...] TAG₄?zib? : GIM? x x x x x x x x-ir-ma : x [...]1

[] “… remaining (= Enūma Anu Enlil uncertain) []


[... AN.GE₆ ina] imSI. GAR-ma : AN.GE₆ BABBAR šá <ina> imSI. SARú šá-niš? [...]2

[ “If] there is [an eclipse] in the north” (= Enūma Anu Enlil uncertain) means “a white eclipse which begins in the north”; alter[natively ].


[...] x TAG₄?zib? : Á imU₁₈.LU GAR-ma : ina U₄.1.KAM ú-dan-na-[an ...]

[] “… remaining (= Enūma Anu Enlil uncertain) means “it is set (on) the south side.” “On the first day it reinfor[ces (= Enūma Anu Enlil uncertain) ].


[...] x TAG₄?zib? : Á imKUR.RA GAR-ma : SIG₇ : dGENNA [...]3

[] “… remaining (= Enūma Anu Enlil uncertain) means “it is set (on) the east side.” “Yellow” (= Enūma Anu Enlil uncertain) means “Saturn” [].


[...] x TAG₄?zib? : Á imMAR.TU GAR-ma : SA₅ : dṣal-bat-a-nu : šá-[niš ...]4

[] “… remaining (= Enūma Anu Enlil uncertain) means “it is set (on) the west side.” “Red” (= Enūma Anu Enlil uncertain) means “Mars”; alt[ernatively, ].


[... AN].GE₆ TIL GAR-ma šá-niš AN.GE₆ šá gab-bi-šú ir!-ri-mu : TIL : x x [...]5

[] there is a complete (til) [ecl]ipse; alternatively, an eclipse that covers the whole of it (sc. of the moon) til means [].


[...] ḫab-rat AN.GE₆ GAR-ma šá-niš mi-šil ḫab-rat AN.GE₆ GAR-[ma ...]6

[ means that x part] of the disk is eclipsed; alternatively, it means that half of the disk is eclipsed [and ].


[...]-šú ù ki-i SI 150-šú ina ta-mar-ti U₄.1.KAM [...]

[] its [] and like its left horn at its first-day appearance [].


[...]-mi-ir SIG₅ ki-i ana muḫ-ḫi -taḫ-<ḫi>-ṭù [...]

[] is good, like it (is said) on account of “they repeatedly rise” []


[...]-tu šá ŠÀ U₄ d60 den-líl- AL.[...]7

[] from Enūma Anu Enlil, fin[inished ].


[...] x x [...]8

[] []

1The reading TAG₄zib in this and the following lines is uncertain [EJ].

2Compare LB 1321 (CCP 3.2.2.A) o 29: DIŠ AN.GE₆ SA₅ šá ina imKUR.RA SARú AN.GE₆ SIG₇ šá ina imMAR.TU SARú AN.GE₆ GE₆ šá ina imU₁₈.LU SARú AN.GE₆ BABBAR šá ina imSI. SARú. Compare Rochberg AfO Beih 22 (1988) p. 72, EAE XV: DIŠ AN.GE₆ ina imSI. SAR-ma ina imx ZÁLAG.

3Compare Rochberg AfO Beih 22 (1988) p. 117, EAE XVII: DIŠ ... AN.GE₆ GAR-ma SIG₇ ina imKUR.RA SAR-ma ZÁLAGir ... [MO]. Compare also the explanation TCL 6 17 (CCP 3.1.8.A.a) ll. 8-10: ¶ SI 15-šú SA₅ AN TE-šú-ma (…) ¶ SI 15-šú GE₆ : dGENNA TE-šú-ma : SIG₇ : dele-bat TE-šú-ma : , “‘If its (sc. the Moon’s) right horn is red’ (= Enūma Anu Enlil VIII = ACh Suppl 1, 9 ll. 6-7) means that Mars approaches it (i.e., the Moon’s right horn). (…) ‘If its (sc. the Moon’s) right horn is black’ means that Saturn approaches it. ‘(If) it (sc. the Moon’s right horn) is yellow-green’ (= Enūma Anu Enlil VIII = ACh Suppl 1, 9 ll. 8-9) means that Venus approaches it” [EJ].

4Compare Rochberg AfO Beih 22 (1988) p. 115, EAE XVII: DIŠ ... AN.GE₆ GAR-ma SA₅ ina imMAR.TU SAR-ma ZÁLAGir ....

5Compare Rochberg AfO Beih 22 (1988) p. 81, EAE XV: AN.GE₆ GAR-ma gab-bi-šú ir-rim-ma (CCP 3.1.15 ll. 7-8 and CCP 3.1.u54 l. 8′).

6Compare [x] ḫab-rat AN.GE₆ GAR-ma (BM 47447 obv 34 [CCP 3.1.16]).

7Restore probably [... mal-su]-tu. At the end, perhaps AL.[TIL] [EJ] or al-[si?] [Uri Gabbay].

8The traces may correspond to the tablet’s colophon [EJ].

Photo by Mathieu Ossendrijver

Courtesy of the Oriental Institute, U. Chicago