Catalog of Cuneiform Commentaries

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3

(Search tipsMuseum or Excavation No: e.g. K.1913, BM 42882, 83-1-18,727, Ash.1924,492, or VAT 17122.
Copy or Edition: e.g. Finkel, 2005 or Civil, 1974, (with comma); but CT 41 28 or SpTU 1 142 (no comma). Also Civil, 1974, or SpTU 1.
No quotation marks!

CCP and CDLI no Museum or Exc no Copy Editions Genresort ascending Owner and Scribe Edition Rubric
6.7.A (P461274) BM 62741 Lambert Folio 10187 [tr] LexicalGod lists Yes Broken
6.7.B (P285539) VAT 10173 KAV 63

Weidner, 1924E. F. Weidner, Altbabylonische Götterlisten, Archiv für Keilschriftforschung, vol. 2, pp. 1-18, 1924.

LexicalGod lists (name lost) (owner) Yes Broken
6.7.u1 (P348739) IM 76956 SpTU 4 146

von Weiher, 1993E. von Weiher, Spätbabylonische Texte aus dem Planquadrat U 18. Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1993.: 63-64 no. 146

LexicalGod lists Yes Broken