CCP 6.1.13.C - Aa II/5 (pirsu 13) C

Catalogue information
British Museum
BM 48261
81-11-3,971+ 81-11-3,1090
BabylonBabylon (Rassam)
BM 48261+ BM 48380


Base text: 
Aa II/5 (pirsu 13)
Commentary no: 
Tablet information
obv 13, rev 4
5,2 × 4,5 cm
Neo/Late Babylonian, specifics unknown
Jiménez, 04/2016 (Identification)
Jiménez, 10/2017 (Join)
Jiménez, 10/2017 (Transliteration)
Jiménez, 10/2017 (Introduction)
Jiménez, 10/2017 (Translation)
Gabbay, 10/2017 (Suggestion [o 2′])
Walker, 02/2018 (Join checked)
By Enrique Jiménez | Make a correction or suggestion
How to cite
Jiménez, E., 2016, “Commentary on Aa II/5 (pirsu 13) (CCP 6.1.13.C),” Cuneiform Commentaries Project (E. Frahm, E. Jiménez, M. Frazer, and K. Wagensonner), 2013–2025; accessed February 1, 2025, at DOI: 10079/1g1jx5p
© Cuneiform Commentaries Project (Citation Guidelines)

The present commentary is constituted by two fragments that touch each other: BM 48261 (81-11-3,971) and BM 48380 (81-11-3,1090).1 It preserves remains of a previously unidentified commentary on Aa II/1 (?) and II/5. The reverse (?), the best preserved part, comments on the signs kur, kur.kur, , and . According to the commentary, the sign kur, for instance, can be read as bēlu, “lord,” ilu, “god,” and šarru, “king” (b 5′). Composite signs that use kur, such as géme (munus.kur) and lamḫu (kur.kur), are also commented upon. Unfortunately, Aa II/5 is still poorly known, which makes the decipherment of some of the lines in this commentary particularly challenging.

Several other tablets with commentaries on Ea II are known. Two of them belong to the same consignment as the present tablet (81-11-3): CCP 6.1.11.A (on Aa II/3) and CCP 6.1.14 (on Aa II/6).2

  • 1. According to Christopher Walker (private communication, 12 February 2018), the pieces might well touch each other, but not enough clay is preserved to consolidate the join. Note that BM 48659 (81-11-3,1370 = CCP 6.1.14, on Aa II/6) is probably part of the same tablet.
  • 2. BM 47693 (CCP 6.1.11.A) and the present commentary are clearly parts of different tablets, since the script in the former is much smaller than that of the latter.

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(Base textCommentaryQuotations from other texts)


BM 048261[via ccpo]

aobverse (?)
a 1'1'


[...] x-a : KU-bi : x [...]

[] []

a 2'2'


[...] ba?-nu-u NU [...]1

[] to build []

a 3'3'


[...] x šuk-ku- : šuk-ku- [...]

[] []

a 4'4'


[...] x x x [...]

[] []

breverse (?)
b 1'1'


[...] x x [...]

[] []

b 2'2'


[...] x-bi-tu₄ ki?-[...]

[] []

b 3'3'


[...] x [(x)]-šu?-ma : nu-[...]

[] []

b 4'4'


[x x x x x x] x : LUGAL : KUR : KI : dNUSKA? [...]

[] “king.” kur means “land,” Nus[ka ]

b 5'5'


[x x] x x (x⸣) [KUR?] : be-lu : DINGIR : LUGAL : KUR : x [...]

[] [kur (?)] means “lord,” “god,” (and) “king”; kur []

b 6'6'


[KUR :] dŠU-ma.KUR : d?EN KURi : * zi-za-nuKUR : x [...]2

[()] The sign kur, (as in) (the god) dŠU-ma.KUR,” (which means) “lord of the montain.” kur, read zizānu, means [].

b 7'7'


KUR : dŠU-ma.KUR : dŠU-ma.KUR : d30 [...]

[()] The sign kur, (as in) (the god) dŠU-ma.KUR” (the god) dŠU-ma.KUR” means Sîn, []

b 8'8'


KUR@KUR : šá GÉMEú- : šá GÉME am-tu₄ : sin-niš-tu₄ [...]3

The sign KUR.KUR, read [lamḫ]u, means šá amūtu šá amti (means) “a female slave,” (i.e.), “a woman,” []

b 9'9'


: ma-a- : da-x [:] KUR@KUR : ma-at? x [...]

means “land” The sign KUR.KUR []

b 10'10'


tdi-li-te-nu-u : x-[x x]-šú-nu [...]

[] the sign t, (whose name is) dili tenû, means [] []

b 11'11'


t : ṣi- : x [x x x x] x [...]

The sign t, read [ta]l, means “exalted” [] []

b 12'12'

[x x x]-ak?

k an-ta-bal [...]

[] []

b 13'13'

[x x x]-lal

k [...]

[] []

1Compare perhaps Ea II 1 [du-u] KAK ga-[ak-ku] = [ba-nu-u]. As suggested by U. Gabbay (personal communication), NU might represent the technical term ul ēpuš (normalization uncertain), discussed by U. Gabbay, Exegetical Terminology (CHANE 82) pp. 26-27.

2Cf. Ea II 195 zi-za-nu KUR = ŠU (= šadû). Compare An = Anu VI 248: dzi-za-nuKUR = Amurru.

3Compare Ea II 199 gu-di-bir |KUR.KUR| = nu-kúr-tu. See also VAT 9541 (MSL 14 p. 261): lam-ḫu |KUR.KUR| ir-kal-la.

Photos by Enrique Jiménez

Courtesy of the Trustees of the British Museum