CCP 7.2.u57 - Medical recipe

Catalogue information
British Museum
BM 47802


Base text: 
Medical recipe
Tablet information
6,7 × 4,1 × 2,3 cm
Neo/Late Babylonian, specifics unknown
Jiménez, 06/2016 (Transliteration)
Jiménez, 06/2016 (Translation)
Jiménez, 06/2016 (Introduction)
Stadhouders, 07/2016 (Revision)
Jiménez, 05/2017 (Commentary markup)
By Enrique Jiménez | Make a correction or suggestion
How to cite
Jiménez, E., 2016, “Commentary on Medical recipe (CCP 7.2.u57),” Cuneiform Commentaries Project (E. Frahm, E. Jiménez, M. Frazer, and K. Wagensonner), 2013–2024; accessed April 24, 2024, at DOI: 10079/6t1g1xv
© Cuneiform Commentaries Project (Citation Guidelines)

This tablet, classified as a “commentary” in the catalogue of the British Museum’s “Babylon Collection,” is not an actual commentary, but rather a medical recipe with occasional glosses. The recipe lists a series of branches of different trees and various drugs, and urges the practitioner to cut them into pieces together. The glosses, written in smaller script in lines 2′-4′ and separated by cola, seem to refer also to branches.

The edition below has greatly benefited form H. Stadhouders’s careful revision, who established the correct reading of the first line.


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(Base textCommentaryQuotations from other texts)


BM 047802 (unpublished unassigned ?) [commentaries]

o 1'o 1'

[*] NA GÌR-MIN-šú x [...]1

[If] a man, his feet []

o 2'2'

GI : GI.ŠUL.ḪI [: ...]

Reed (gloss: a qān-šalāli-reed) []

o 3'3'

PA GIŠ : PA gišŠENNUR: x [...]2

Branch of a tree (gloss: branch of a plum tree) []

o 4'4'

x xx PA gišÍLDAG PA [...]

branch of a poplar tree, branch of []

o 5'5'

PA gišse-er-di : PA gišŠINIG [...]

Branch of olive tree, (gloss: branch of a tamar[isk) ]

o 6'6'

PA gišNU.ÚR.MA PA gišḪAŠḪUR PA [...]

Branch of pomegranate, branch of apple tree []

o 7'7'

PA gišŠUR.MÌN PA gišŠE..A [...]

Branch of cypress, branch of chaste tree []

o 8'8'


Colocynth []

o 9'9'

an-nu-ti 1niš ta-ḫar-ra?-[aṣ ...]3

These drugs you cut (into pieces) together []

o 10'10'

u A šá dUTU NU IGI [...]

And water from the well of Šamaš []

o 11'11'

ina lu-ba-re-e ta-x [...]4

On your clothing you [],

o 12'12'


You []

o 13'13'

MIN gišx [...]

Two []

o 14'14'

GI [...]

Reed []

o 15'15'

x [...]


1Reading courtesy of Henry Stadhouders. He adds: “Too many possibilities to reconstruct the symptom description with any certainty; i[t-ta-nak-na-na-šú …], i[t-te-nen-si-la …], i[t-ta-na-an-pa-ḫa …], i[t-ta-na-áš-ga-ga …], š[a-ag-ga …], M[Ú.MÚ-ḫa …], i-[…]

2PA “foliage”; a quite similar list (BAM 571, iii, 4’-9’) enumerates the drugs as ḫas-ḫal-latGIŠ.xyz, which might point to a reading ḫasḫallatu for the logogram PA in a case like this, if it is not aru.

3[… Ú-ḪI.A] an-nu-ti 1niš ta-ḫar-ra-[ina šikar sābî mê urul bāqili] / u A TÚL šá dUTU NU IGI PA-MEŠ .A.BI ana ŠÀ …; see Rm 2, 147, rev. 1-3. [Henry Stadhouders]

4ta-š[a-ḫal …], ta-r[ak-kás …]?; cf. Rm 2, 147, obv. 9’: GAZIsar ina TÚG.ḪI.A KÉŠ?. [Henry Stadhouders]

5[… ina maški/šubāti] / te-ṭe-[ri ...] = teṭerri; less likely to be restored as [… kīma ṭīpi] / te-ṭe-[pi ...] = teṭeppi. [Henry Stadhouders]

Photos by Enrique Jiménez

Courtesy of the Trustees of the British Museum