The present fragment contains meager remains of a commentary on an unknown text. Tablets with the same accession date (81-4-28) include several commentaries on Aa and on Enūma Anu Enlil. This fragment could conceivably belong to a commentary on either text.1
The few preserved equations suggest that the commentary is of speculative rather than philological character. The signs explained are rather obscure (see e.g. l. 2’ and 5’), and it seems unlikely that they would occur in an actual text. It seems more plausible that the section preserved in this fragment represents an elucubration on a certain word or words from the main text. This is suggested also by the phonetic similarity between the words in l. 5’ ([elēpu]) and l. 7’ (ulāpu): they both probably belong to the same explanation.
Powered by Oracc(Base text – Commentary – Quotations from other texts)
[...] ⸢x NÍG⸣.SÙ.⸢A : x⸣ [...]
[...] ⸢DUM⸣.DAM.ZA : ḫa-šá-[šú ...]1
[...] DUM.DAM.ZA means "to rejoice," [...],
[...] ⸢U₄⸣ : U₄mu : MUD : [...]
[...] U₄ means "day," MUD means [...],
[... x]-⸢x-tú⸣ : SAG : al-pu : ⸢x⸣-[...]2
[...] SAG means "ox," [...],
[... SI?.SÁ?] : iš-še-er : KA ŠUdu-bu-ul?.⸢BU⸣ [: e-le-pu ...]3
[... SI.SÁ (?)] means "to go well." KA ŠU [means "to sprout" ...],
[...] : SI.IL.LÁ : gap-ši ⸢x⸣ [...]
[...] SI.IL.LÁ means huge, [...],
[... TÚG.NÍG].⸢DÁRA⸣da-ra : ú-la-pu [...]
[... TÚG.NÍG].DÁRA means "soiled rag" [...],
[...] ⸢x⸣ [...]
1On DUM.DAM.ZA = ḫašāḫu, see Civil JCS 20 (1966) p. 120 2.4 and 121a.
2The equation SAG = alpu is seemingly elsewhere unattested, but compare ÁŠ.SAG = alpu in Erimḫuš Boghazköy i 43 (MSL 17 103). Cf. also SAG = mīru in NBGT V 1 (MSL 4 165 catchline). See also CCP 7.2.u147 (BM 43678).
3For the last equation, cp. Diri V 118 (dubul ŠU.BU = elēpu). The significance of the sign KA remains uncertain.