CCP 3.1.5.D - Enūma Anu Enlil 5, 17-23(24) D

Catalogue information
British Museum
NinevehNineveh (Kuyunjik)
K.4166 + K.4336 + K.9652
2R 39/5 [K.4336]
AfO 14 pl. vii-viii [K.4336]
Meissner Supplement pl. 7 [K.4166]

Rochberg, 1987aF. Rochberg, TCL 6 13. Mixed Traditions in Late Babylonian Astrology, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie, vol. 77, pp. 207-228, 1987.: 221-222 [K.4166]

Verderame, 2002L. Verderame, Le Tavole I-VI della serie astrologica "Enūma Anu Enlil". Di.Sc.A.M., 2002.: 136-138 [K.4336, col. i]

DivinationAstrological. Enūma Anu Enlil


Base text: 
Enūma Anu Enlil 5, 17-23(24)
Commentary no: 
Tablet information
2 (each col. has 2 subcolumns)
i: 45 , ii: 42, iii: 19, gap, 14
6,98 × 3,49 × 1,58 cm
7th cent (Assurbanipal libraries and other Assyrian cities)

Frahm, 2011E. Frahm, Babylonian and Assyrian Text Commentaries. Origins of Interpretation. Ugarit-Verlag, 2011.: 34, 58, 63, 135

Labat, 1965R. Labat, Un calendrier Babylonien des travaux des signes et mois (séries iqqur īpuš). Librairie Honoré Champion, 1965.
[On line ii 4: me-ḫir-tu ina kur gál = ebur [kur si.sá (?)]]
: 145 n. 2

Landsberger, 1958aCitekey Landsberger1958a not found
[On line ii 5: The reference to K.4336 in footnote 22 of our article is faulty; correct restoration su-ul = SUL = er-ri-[bu].]
: 58 n. 12

Reiner, 1998aE. Reiner, Celestial Omen Tablets and Fragments in the British Museum, in tikip santakki mala bašmu.. Festschrift für Rykle Borger zu seinem 65. Geburtstag am 24. Mai 1994, S. M. Maul, Ed. Styx, 1998, pp. 215-302.: 232

Rochberg, 1987aF. Rochberg, TCL 6 13. Mixed Traditions in Late Babylonian Astrology, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie, vol. 77, pp. 207-228, 1987.: 221-222

Rochberg, 1988F. Rochberg, Aspects of Babylonian Celestial Divination: The Lunar Eclipse Tablets of Enūma Anu Enlil. Berger & Söhne, 1988.: 141, 156, 157, 206 [K.4336]; 251ff [K.4166]

Verderame, 2002L. Verderame, Le Tavole I-VI della serie astrologica "Enūma Anu Enlil". Di.Sc.A.M., 2002.
: 136-138

Weidner, 1923E. F. Weidner, Astrologische Texte aus Boghazköi. Ihre sprachliche und kulturhistorische Bedeutung, Archiv für Keilschriftforschung, vol. 1, pp. 1-8, 1923.: 4 n. 21

Weidner, 1941aE. F. Weidner, Die astrologische Serie Enûma Anu Enlil, Archiv für Orientforschung, vol. 14, pp. 172-195, 1941.: 191

Fincke, 04/2006 (Join)
Frazer, 11.2018 (Transliteration)
Frazer, 11/2018 (Translation)
Frazer, 11/2018 (Introduction)
Frazer, 10/2019 (Revision (Introduction))
By Mary Frazer | Make a correction or suggestion
How to cite
Frazer, M., 2018, “Commentary on Enūma Anu Enlil 5, 17-23(24) (CCP 3.1.5.D),” Cuneiform Commentaries Project (E. Frahm, E. Jiménez, M. Frazer, and K. Wagensonner), 2013–2025; accessed March 6, 2025, at DOI: 10079/98sf7zt
© Cuneiform Commentaries Project (Citation Guidelines)

What remains of this multi-columned commentary (one large fragment joined to two smaller ones1) is remarkable for commenting on many Tablets of Enūma Anu Enlil. In its current state it clearly comments on seven Tablets (EAE 5, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22 and 23(24)) – i.e., on both lunar and solar omens – and originally it probably commented on many more.2 The preserved text is divided into eleven sections by single horizontal rulings, which in some cases are followed by the incipit of the specific EAE Tablet. Thus, section 3 identifies itself as relating to EAE Tablet 17, section 4 identifies itself as relating to EAE 18, section 5 identifies itself as relating to EAE 19, section 6, EAE 20, and section 10, EAE 23(24). The incipits of two sections are puzzling: section 7 (col. 2, 28-35) ends with the incipit, “If the Yoke of the S[ea] grows dark”, which does not correspond to the first line of the expected base text EAE 21,3 and the incipit of Section 9 (col. 3, 2-11), seems to be otherwise unattested. Furthermore, sections 1, 2 and 8 – which can be identified as commentaries on Tablets 5, 6 and 22 because of their contents – do not end with incipits.

On the obverse, the two columns of text are subdivided, and the reverse perhaps originally contained a further two columns.4 Although the subdivided columns mean that the obverse, at least, is tabular in format, the text often overruns the tabular division (e.g., i 3' and 8'). The commentary also makes abundant use of cola, both to equate the base text with the following explanation and to distinguish between the end of one entry and the beginning of another.5

The commentary’s main goal seems to be to explain logograms in the base texts. In the section on EAE 18, the commentary updates the old-fashioned logograms ra.gaba and gìr.sè.ga by equating them with terms more common in the first millennium (see ad col. 2 6-8). The section on EAE 22 (col. 2 36-42) explains several logographic writings from Elamite scholarly tradition, namely iššebu (= 3, 20) for “king”, kur for tebû, éš for ana and dáb for ṣabātu.6 Also noteworthy is the equation of gi with gin, which seems to be based on the principle of lexical transitivity, i.e., A=C, B=C ∴ A=C (see below ad col. 1 4'), and of gur with izbu, which probably draws on the homophonous potential of the cuneiform signs gur and lagab (see below ad. col. 2 41).


The text contains three scribal errors: i 19' (la for šu), ii 9 (murub₄ for ) and ii 39 (ki for šè).


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(Base textCommentaryQuotations from other texts)


AfO 14, pl. 07[via ccpo]

Column i
o i 1'o i 1'

[(x x x)] x x [...]


[()] []

o i 2'2'

[(x x x)] x a du x [...]


[()] []

o i 3'3'

[(x x)] LUGAL a-ga- : LUGAL.GIN : GI : ta-ra-ṣa2

[()] “the king of Akkad” means “Sargon”; GI means “to stretch”,

o i 4'4'

[(GI : x)] GI : GIN : GAM


[(GI means “…” (and))] GI means GIN; GAM means “to bend back”,

o i 4b'4b'



U means “to bend back”.

o i 5'5'

[DIRI? :] sap-ḫa DIRI


[DIRI means] “scattered”, DIRI means “it is scattered”,

o i 6'6'

[DIRI :] x DIRI : šu-par-ru-

DIRI : ḫa-la-pu4

[DIRI means “…”], DIRI means “to spread out” (and) DIRI means “to slip through”.

o i 7'7'

[(...)] x U DIRI : MUD : da-a-mu : MUD : da-ʾ-mu5

[] MUD means “blood” (and) MUD means “dark”.

o i 8'8'

[(x x)] SI : ma-lu-u

SI : sa-a-mu

[()] SI means “to be full” (and) SI means “red-brown”,

o i 9'9'


(as in) “blood is visible in the cloud”.

o i 10'10'

[x x x] pu-uḫ-ḫu- : NÍGIN


[ means] “to gather”, “to surround” means “to gather”,

o i 10b'10b'



“to surround” means “to be very heavy”.

o i 11'11'

[(x x x)] ÁB.KU₆ : da-du

ed-da-ma na-pal-ka-a8

[()] AB₂#.KU₆ means dādu-fish”; “they are pointed” means “they are wide”.

o i 12'12'

[(x x x)] * SI-MEŠ-šú ḫe-sa-a

LAL : ḫe-su-u9

(In the phrase,) If its horns are covered”, LAL means “to cover”,

o i 13'13'

[(x x x)] LAL : ma-lu-u

LAL : šá-pa-la

[(“LAL” means “…”,) [L]AL” means “to be full” (and) LAL means “to be low”.

o i 14'14'

    SI SI i-ti-iq10

“One horn extends beyond the other”

o i 15'15'


(means) (on) the fourteenth day, divinity is not visible with divinity”.

o i 16'16'

[(x x x)] pal-lu-ur-


[()] “cross” means “drawn plan”,

o i 17'17'



[“Plejades” refers to “Išt]ar-of-the-Stars”, (i.e.) “Venus”,

o i 18'18'

[x x x] x mulBAN


[], “Bow Star” means “planet”,

o i 19'19'

[(x x x)] dšu!(LA-)ku-du


[()] “Šukūdu” means “Mercury”,

o i 20'20'

[...] x x : Á mulGÍR.TAB : ddil-bat / SAG.15

[] , “the side of the Scorpion” means “Venus” | (or) “Saturn”,

o i 21'21'

[(x x x)] dbi-ib-bu


[()] “planet” (Akkadian) means “planet” (Sumerian),

o i 22'22'

[x x :] Ú RU : MAR


[“…” means] “…”; MAR means “to place”.

o i 23'23'

[...] mul.GÁN


[] “Pegasus” means “Mars”,

o i 24'24'

[...] dUDU.IDIM

dMIN<(dUDU.IDIM)> : ddil-bat

[“…” (means)] “planet”, “ditto” means “Venus”,

o i 25'25'

[...] x


[] means “Jupiter”,

o i 26'26'



[ means] “Mars”,

o i 27'27'



[ means] “high”,

o i 28'28'



[ means] “Cattle Pen”,

o i 29'29'


x x ma

[“…” means] “…”,

o i 30'30'



[“…” means ] “Mars”.

o i 31'31'


ina] IGI.-šú ina GE₆

[“…” means “at] its appearance at night”

o i 32'32'


x mu šú

[“…” means] “…”

Second section (? EAE 6? – no incipit)
o i 33'33'

[...] x ta ḫu ku


o i 34'34'

[... EN.NUN].AN.USAN GAR-ma18

[“…] occurs [during the ev]ening watch”.

o i 35'35'

[...] li ḫu


o i 36'36'

[...] x mu


o i 37'37'



o i 38'38'



o i 39'39'


o i 40'40'

[...] x


o i 41'41'

[...] x


o i 42'42'

[...] x


o i 43'43'

[...] x


o i 44'44'

[...] x


Third section (EAE 17)
o i 45'45'

[...] x


Space for 4 more lines before the lower edge
Column ii
o ii 1o ii 1

[x] x x [...]

[] []

o ii 22

x zib?-ma šá a x? [...]


o ii 33

* ina itiBÁRA U₄.14.KAM AN.GE₆ EN.NUN.[AN.USAN GAR-ma]19

“If in the month of Nisannu (I) on the 14th day an eclipse [occurs] during the [evening] watch …”.

Fourth section (EAE 18)
o ii 44

me-sìr- ina KUR GÁL

BURU₁₄ [KUR ...]20

“there will be confinement in the land” (possibly = EAE 18 source “a” § VIII 8') means “the harvest [of the land will …”]

o ii 55



(The sign) “ŠUL”, when read “SUL”, means “…”.

o ii 66

RA.GABA : GÌR..GA .TE DAB[bat]22

“A messenger (variant: palace attendant) [will] s[eize] the throne” (= EAE 18 § VII.3)

o ii 77


DUMU šip-ri23

“messenger” means “messeng[er],

o ii 88


man-za-az pa-ni24

“palace attendant” means “courtier”,

o ii 99



lu₂GU₃DE₂ means “fugitive”,

o ii 1010



“brawl” means “fighting”,

o ii 1111

šá gišTUKUL ÚR


“The one of the GIŠTUKULUR₂ means napṭāru-person,

o ii 1212

* ina itiDU₆ AN.GE₆ EN.NUN.AN.ÚSAN GAR28

“If in the month of Tašrītu (VII) an eclipse occurs during the evening watch …”.

Fifth Section (EAE 19)
o ii 1313

* AN.GE₆ ina dUTU.È iḫ-mu-ṭa ina dUTU.ŠÚ a-pir29

“If an eclipse is (lit. “was”) early in the east, it will be decked in the west …”

o ii 1414

TAB : ḫa-ma-ṭu

TAB : šur-ru-u

TAB means “to be early”, TAB means “to begin”.

o ii 1515

* AN.GE₆ ina dUTU.È


“If an eclipse forms (lit. “gathered”) in the east …”

o ii 1616

iḫ-mu-ma : šur-ru-u : MIN<(iḫ-mu-ma)> : šá-ka-nu

“forms” means “to begin,” ditto means “to place”,

o ii 1717



“forms” means “to begin.”

o ii 1818


“If in the month of Šabāṭu (XI) an eclipse occurs during the evening-watch …”.

Sixth Section (EAE 20)
o ii 1919


KUR ṭup-li-ía-àš32

“Ešnunna” (= EAE 20 §V recension A 4 = Rochberg 1988: 197) means “the land of Ṭupliaš.”

o ii 2020

KUR GAL ana KUR TUR ana ši-la-a-te i-ḫa-aq-ma33

“A great country will go against a small country for booty”

o ii 2121



“to go means to run,

o ii 2222

di ud ki x x x x x [...]


o ii 2323

di-pa-[ri? ...]

“tor[ch” ]

o ii 2424

GÁL : ba?-šu?-u?


GAL₂ means to be []

o ii 2525

URU MU x [...]


o ii 2626

? [...]36


o ii 2727


“If in the month of Ad[dāru (1) an eclipse occurs during the evening watch …”]

Seventh Section (“If the Yoke of the Sea grows dark”)
o ii 2828



o ii 2929

la x [...]


o ii 3030

ina x [...]


o ii 3131

GIŠ x [...]38


o ii 3232

KUR ME x x [...]


o ii 3333



o ii 3434

ina DU d[...]


o ii 3535

* mulŠUDUN šá A.[AB.BA a]-dir39

“If the Yoke of the S[ea] grows dark.”

Eighth Section (EAE 22 – no incipit)
o ii 3636



“Wailing” (= EAE 22 part I § I: 1) means “weeping”.

o ii 3737

IŠŠEBU : šar-

KUR : te-bu-u41

IŠŠEBU (= EAE 22: part I § I: 1) means “king”, KUR (= EAE 22: part I § I: 3) means “to rise”.

o ii 3838

šá x/šur man : pu!-su-

pu-su- : kul-lul-42

“…” means “veiled”, “veiled” means “covered”.

o ii 3939

ŠÈ!(KI) : a-na

DÁB : ṣa-ba-43

(When pronounced) “eš”, (the sign) “ŠE₃” (= EAE 22: ?) means “to”, “DAB” (= EAE 22: part I § III: 3) means “to seize”.

o ii 4040

GAL? : ma-a-du

GIŠ : ríg-mu44

GAL (= EAE 22: ?) means “many”, GIŠ (= EAE 22: part I § IV: 5) means “cry”.

o ii 4141

BAR* : pa-ra-su

GÁL* :* GUR : iz-bu45

The sign [BA]R” (= EAE 22: part I § V: 4) means “to block” (or) “to be”, “GUR” (= {EAE} 22 ?) means “anomalous birth”.

o ii 4242

[x (x)] : -ra-bu

li₆-bu : li-ʾ-bu46

[“…”] means to be near, li’bu-disease” (= {EAE} 22 ?) means li’bu-disease”.

Column iii
r iii 1r iii 1

[...] A? : a-na

[] “A(?) means “to”

Ninth Section (incipit unidentified so far)
r iii 22

[KUR] x nu?

MIN<(KUR?)> : sa-pa-nu47

[] , “ditto” means “to flatten” (possibly = EAE 22 Part I § VIII.5),

r iii 33


šá me-re-ši48

[] of the cultivated land (possibly = EAE 22 Part II § V.2),

r iii 44

[...] x

GENNA : ka-a-a-nu49

[] “Saturn” means “regular”,

r iii 55

[(...) dKUR.GAL]


[ dKURGAL (= EAE 22 Part I § XI: 5) means] “Enlil”,

r iii 66

[(...) ...]


[“…” means] “many”,

r iii 77


x lu ud


r iii 88



[“…” means] “Nergal”,

r iii 99


: ḫa-ra-ṣu*

[“…”] means “to break off”

r iii 1010

[...] x


r iii 1111

[...] ḫa ? ḪAL/DIDLI sa x ri erim/pír-

Tenth Section (EAE 23 (24))
r iii 1212

[...] me? še ur-ru-BU


r iii 1313

[...] nu : ME-se-e-


r iii 1414

[...] : ú šal?/TAR?-lu


r iii 1515

[...] :? UD TU


r iii 1616

[...] pa? qa MIN


r iii 1717

[...] TU


r iii 1818

[...] x KÚR DIŠ x


r iii 1919

[* MAN ina itiBÁRA U₄.1.KAM ina IGI.-šú] GIM di-pa-ri [SA₅]51

[“If the sun at its appearance on day 1 of the month of Addāru (I) is red] like a torch …”

Eleventh Section (meagre remains only)
r iii 2020

[...] x x52


Gap of approximately 8 lines
r iii 29'29'

[...] x x x x


r iii 30'30'

[...] x u


r iii 31'31'

[...] x qu


r iii 32'32'

[...] x-pa-ku


r iii 33'33'

[...] ṣu


r iii 34'34'

[...] nu


r iii 3535

[...] en ud


r iii 36'36'

[...] x ur pa ni


r iii 37'37'

[...] ma?-ṣu-u


r iii 38'38'



r iii 39'39'

[...] ḫa-ma-ṭu

[ (means)] “to be quick”,

r iii 40'40'



r iii 41'41'

[...] x-tu₄


r iii 42'42'

[...] x ri? bu


1Instead of x a du, possibly read e du.

2The phrase šar agade is not present in the other currently known sources for EAE 5. The equation of GI with tarāṣu seems to be otherwise unattested.

3The equation of GI with GIN stems from the fact that both GI.NA and GIN can mean kânu, “to be firm”. The otherwise unattested equation of GAM with kapāṣu may derive from kepû (also “to bend”) = GAM.

4Principal Izbu Commentary, l. 273, equates purruru and sapāhu.

5The equation of MUD with da’mu and damu, presumably due to the phonetic similarity between the Sumerian and both Akkadian words, is well attested in lexical lists, e.g., A = naqû II/3: 11'-12' (MSL 14, p. 277). Presumably this pair of explanations relates to the phrase from the base text cited in l. 9' (CAD D 76a).

6This phrase, presumably from a omen protasis in EAE 5, is not otherwise attested.

7The equation NÍGIN = kubbutu, though otherwise unattested, is based on the fact that the same sign (with the reading GUR₄) = kabtu in the lexical tradition (see CAD K 25b for references).

8The moon’s horns are compared to the dādu-fish in EAE 5 source “d”, l. 9'. The second equation, of edēdu with napalkû, is unique and difficult to explain from the lexical tradition surrounding these two words.

9This protasis is not attested in the currently known manuscripts of EAE 5.

10This phrase is the protasis of an omen in EAE 5 source “v”, l. 12.

11The same protasis as l. 14' and accompanying commentary in this line can be found in (a) Šumma Sîn ina tāmartīšu 1, l. 34 (Koch Westenholz 1999: 155) and (b) cited in the letter SAA 8 295, o 4 and 6.

12The word pallurtu appears in three protases in source “E” of EAE 5 (r 16'-18'). The word is explained differently in CCP 3.1.5.E, l. 29, as meaning “Stars” (MUL-MEŠ).

13“Stars” (i.e., the Pleiades) appear in EAE 5, source “e”, r 17'.

14The star Šukūdu (Sirius) features in the protases of EAE 6 (Verderame 2002: 169), but not in the known passages of EAE 5.

15The phrase “side of the Scorpion” seems to be attested only in this commentary.

16According to CCP 3.2.u7, l. 12, MAR is Emesal for šakānu.

17A star named mulTÙR is attested in source “z” of EAE 5, l. 9'. For mulÉ.TÙR see CAD T 222 mng. 2c and Reiner & Pingree BPO 2, p. 11.

18The phrase EN.NUN.AN.USAN GAR-ma appears in source “l” of EAE 6, r 9' (Verderame 2002: 198).

19The opening line of EAE 17, as preserved in the Uruk catalogue, with the only difference that AN.GE₆ precedes EN.NUN.(AN).USAN.

20For the possible base text see Rochberg (1988: 140) and CAD M/2 124b (mng. c 1').

21The sign ŠUL does not occur in the currently known lines of EAE 18.

22For three new manuscripts of EAE that contain the omen to which this apodosis belongs, including “source I” which contains the omen in full, see Fincke (2016: 101-105).

23The word rakbû is also equated with mar šipri in OB Proto-Lu 22 ff. (reference from CAD R 105a).

24The word girseqû seems to have been current in the Old Babylonian period but an archaism by the Neo-Babylonian period, when it appears only in Standard Babylonian literature and, once, in a royal inscription of Nabonidus (see CAD G 94a).

25This equation is well attested in the lexical tradition: see CAD M/2 204a (lexical section) for details.

26The word risbatu does not occur in the currently known lines of EAE 18, and is otherwise attested in the lexical list SIG₇.ALAN = Nabnītu and the Law Codes of Ešnunna and Hammurabi (CAD R 375a).

27The phrase GIŠ.TUKUL.ÚR is equated with kak-ki su-ú-ni in Ura 7 and Hargud (see CAD S 386b for details). Without knowing the omen in which the phrase occurs, it is difficult to know whether the commentary intended the meaning of napṭaru A or B (a type of person versus a guesthouse); both words are mostly attested in Old Babylonian texts.

28This is the opening line of EAE 18, according to Uruk catalogue.

29This omen is not attested in the known mss of EAE 19.

30This omen is not attested in the known mss of EAE 19.

31= Incipit of EAE 19

32Since this section probably deals with EAE 20, it seems probable that this entry refers to the reference to Ešnunna in this Tablet rather than the one in EAE 21 (cf. Roaf in A. Bartelmus and K. Sternitzke (eds.) Karduniaš: Babylonian Under the Kassites 2017, p. 174).

33Possibly = EAE 20 §I.2 recension A 7 = Rochberg 1988: 165. CAD H 87a books this occurrence of i-ḫa-aq-ma under hâqu A, “to mix”, but hâqu B, “a verb of motion”, seems more likely in light of the fact that i-ḫa-aq-ma in a similar context (EAE 21 §6, 4) is explained as alāku in CCP 3.1.21, l. 16'.

34CAD H 86b and 87a reads the second subcolumn as šu-ta-ḫu-[qu], “to be mixed together”, but the first sign is clearly a LA. Since hâqu is equated with alāku, “to go”, in CCP 3.1.u.19 i 14, the restoration of the second word in this line is based on the equation of alāku with lakādu, in An 9 49-68 (reference from CAD A/1 302b). Since LA is mistakenly written for ŠU in i 19', could this be another case of the same mistake?

35Alternatively, the sign following the colon could be the first part of a KA.

36 appears in Source “l” of EAE 20, l. 2', (Rochberg 1988: 195).

37= Incipit of EAE 20, Recension A

38The traces of the second sign are consistent with DU, among other signs.

39Rochberg (1988: 272) proposes that this incipit, which is also cited in EAE 20 text b (BM 34528) r. 14' and text k (VAT 7825) r. 8 (Rochberg 1988: 220 and 227) and ACh Ištar 21, l. 41, is the incipit to another astrological commentary.

40Urubātu occurs in apodoses of other omens in EAE 22, namely: I § VIII 1 and 3 and possibly I § VII 1 (Rochberg 1988: 258-9).

41“IŠSEBU” (i.e., 3(diš) 2(u)) is attested multiple times in EAE 22 – part I § II: 1-4, part I § III: 2-4, part I § IV: 4, part I § V: 1, part I § VI: 3-4, part I § VII: 3, part I § VIII: 1, 5, part I § XI: 1, 4, part I § XII: 5 and 7 (Rochberg 1988: 253-262). However, since KUR with the meaning “to rise” is attested only in part I § I: 3, the IŠŠEBU referred to here must be the IŠŠEBU in part I § I: 1.

42šur.mìn (cypress)? The reading of the second equation follows AHw s.v. kullulu and CAD P 537a.

43The gloss indicates that ŠÈ should be read with its value “eš₂”. When the scribe wrote KI instead of ŠÈ, he may have been thinking of the sign KU. The equation of ÉŠ with ana is attested in the lexical series Ea A = naqû 1 180 (MSL 14 p. 186) (reference: CAD A/2 100b).

44Rochberg (1988: 272) suggests restoring DIRI on the basis of the parallel in ACh Ištar 30:46, but the traces better resemble a vertical followed by a horizontal wedge than a broken vertical wedge. Could a reading MAŠ be possible? Fits the traces better, but unattested; MEŠ and MA are attested, though. The reading of GIŠ as rigmu is elsewhere attested only as a gloss, in CCP 6.1.16.A.a, l. 32.

45If BAR is the correct reading of the damaged first sign of this line, it may refer to part I § V: 4 (MS A) (Rochberg 1988: 257). Although Rochberg (1988: 272 with textual note 7) prefers to restore TAR, BAR not only better fits the traces but is also attested meaning both parāsu (Principal Izbu Commentary, ll. 252, 367 and 459) and bašû (i.e., GAL₂) in A I/6: 312 and 317 (MSL 14 234). The sign TAR is, admittedly, attested more often in the currently known lines of EAE 22. After pa-ra-su, Rochberg (1988: 272) reads GÁL : as NAM, but NAM.GUR : iz-bu makes little sense. On the other hand, the equation of GUR with izbu, though not otherwise attested, probably stems from the fact that LAGAB, the usual logographic writing of izbu, also has the reading GUR₄. Apart from as part of the logographic writing of the name of the god Nergal, the sign GUR is not attested in the currently known lines of EAE 22.

46Alternatively “x# x : ra-bu”.

47The tentative restoration of KUR follows the suggestion of Rochberg (1988: 259 n. 14), who points out that the writing KUR.KURin in the omen ¶ U₄.21.KAM ÉRIN IŠŠEBU ḫa-am-mi-e-šú KUR.KURin could well stand for sapānu.

48Rochberg (1988: 272 n. 10) points out that mērišu is attested in the apodosis ŠÈG u ILLU TAR-MEŠ me-ri-šú NU SI., “rain and flood will cease; the cultivated land will not flourish” = EAE 22 Part II § V.2 (Rochberg 1988: 265).

49Traces inconsistent with either DINGIR or MUL.

50The restoration follows Rochberg (1988: 261 n. 16).

51Incipit of EAE 23 (24).

52If this section of the commentary, the eleventh preserved, follows the previous section in sequence, it should comment on EAE Tablet 24 (25). Several commentaries on EAE 24 (25) are known and available in editions by Van Soldt (1995: 40-50), but no overlaps between them and the few preserved signs of this section have been identified.

Photos by Mary Frazer

Courtesy of the Trustees of the British Museum