CCP 3.1.20.A - Enūma Anu Enlil 20 A

Catalogue information
British Museum
NinevehNineveh (Kuyunjik), perhaps from Aššur
ACh 2 Suppl 24 [partial]

Rochberg, 1988F. Rochberg, Aspects of Babylonian Celestial Divination: The Lunar Eclipse Tablets of Enūma Anu Enlil. Berger & Söhne, 1988.: 225-227

DivinationAstrological. Enūma Anu Enlil


Base text: 
Enūma Anu Enlil 20
Commentary no: 
Tablet information
obv. 23, rev. 17
6,98 × 7,3 cm
7th cent (Assurbanipal libraries and other Assyrian cities)
Kiṣir-Nabû / Kiṣir-Aššur (?)

al-Rawi & George, 1991F. N. H. al-Rawi and George, A. R. , Enūma Anu Enlil XIV and Other Early Astronomical Tablets, Archiv für Orientforschung, vol. 38/39, pp. 52-73, 1991.
[On line o 18]
: 60 fn. 24

al-Rawi & George, 2006F. N. H. al-Rawi and George, A. R. , Tablets from the Sippar Library XIII: Enūma Anu Ellil XX, Iraq, vol. 68, pp. 23-57, 2006.
[On line r 9': Collation]
: 47

Frahm, 2011E. Frahm, Babylonian and Assyrian Text Commentaries. Origins of Interpretation. Ugarit-Verlag, 2011.: 110, 123, 134, 144-45, 269-70, 278

Gabbay, 2016U. Gabbay, The Exegetical Terminology of Akkadian Commentaries. Brill, 2016.
[22 (13, 20), 53 (r 3′), 207 (16), 208 (text j [K.3145] 1–11, 7–8), 234 (text j [K.3145] 20), 240 (1–2), 277 (r 4′), 22, 53 (22), 17, 257 (11), 17, 276 (21), 17, 22, 53 (12), 208, 209 (8), 208–209 (15–16), 234–235 (text j [K.3145] 12–13)]

George, 1991cA. R. George, Review of Hunger & Pingree MUL.APIN AfO Beih 24, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie, vol. 81, pp. 301-306, 1991.
[On line o 18: one mina is allowed for each of the three watches]
: 303

Reiner, 1998aE. Reiner, Celestial Omen Tablets and Fragments in the British Museum, in tikip santakki mala bašmu.. Festschrift für Rykle Borger zu seinem 65. Geburtstag am 24. Mai 1994, S. M. Maul, Ed. Styx, 1998, pp. 215-302.: 227

Rochberg, 1988F. Rochberg, Aspects of Babylonian Celestial Divination: The Lunar Eclipse Tablets of Enūma Anu Enlil. Berger & Söhne, 1988.
: 225-227

Weidner, 1954E. F. Weidner, Hof- und Harems-Erlasse assyrischer Könige aus dem 2. Jahrtausend v. Chr., Archiv für Orientforschung, vol. 17, pp. 257-293; Pl. VII-XII, 1954.: 81

By Eckart Frahm & Mary Frazer & Enrique Jiménez | Make a correction or suggestion
How to cite
Frahm, E. & Frazer, M. & Jiménez, E., 2013, “Commentary on Enūma Anu Enlil 20 (CCP 3.1.20.A),” Cuneiform Commentaries Project (E. Frahm, E. Jiménez, M. Frazer, and K. Wagensonner), 2013–2024; accessed April 25, 2024, at DOI: 10079/kkwh7cq
© Cuneiform Commentaries Project (Citation Guidelines)
© Trustees of the British Museum

Courtesy of the Trustees of the British Museum