Böck, 2000B. Böck, Die babylonisch-assyrische Morphoskopie. Berger & Söhne, 2000.: 252-253
mukallimtu 5
Frahm, 2011E. Frahm, Babylonian and Assyrian Text Commentaries. Origins of Interpretation. Ugarit-Verlag, 2011.: 46, 213, 277
Geller, 2001M. J. Geller, “West Meets East. Early Greek and Babylonian Diagnosis”, Archiv für Orientforschung, vol. 48/49, pp. 50-75, 2001.[On line iii 8']: 7a
Geller, 2004M. J. Geller, “Bloodletting in Babylonia”, in Magic and Rationality in Ancient Near Eastern and Graeco-Roman Medicine, H. F. J. Horstmanshoff and Stol, M. , Eds. Brill, 2004, pp. 305-324.[On line iii 8']: 57
Kouwenberg, 2000N. J. C. Kouwenberg, “Nouns as verbs: The verbal nature of the Akkadian stative”, Orientalia Nova Series, vol. 69, pp. 21-71, 2000.[On line iii 8': ṣayyādu]: 47
Kraus, 1939F. R. Kraus, Texte zur babylonischen Physiognomatik. Selbtverlag, 1939.: 8 no. 12
Kraus, 1947F. R. Kraus, “Weitere Texte zur babylonischen Physiognomatik”, Orientalia Nova Series, vol. 16, pp. 176–206, 1947.: 195
This fragment of a four-column tablet belongs to a commentary on physiognomic omens. Whereas the exact identity of its base text remains uncertain, many of its entries are paralleled in the physiognomic corpus. The present tablet comes from Ashurbanipal’s libraries, which have also yielded many other closely related commentaries: the most important of them is the large commentary CCP 3.7.2.F.a and duplicates, several of which entries appear verbatim here.
As other physiognomic commentaries from Ashurbanipal’s libraries, this tablet uses the indentation format: the entries from the base text appear at the beginning of the line, and all subsequent explanations are indented. The entries from the main text are introduced by diš-signs, which are written over the vertical ruling. The explanations usually render explicitly what in the base text is ambiguous: thus, the physiognomic description of a man as having “turtle feet” is explained “the toes of his feet are are fl[at, they are stunted and have no phalanges”] (ii 3′-5′).
The fragment concludes with a badly damaged rubric that may have classified the fragment as a mukallimtu-commentary. It is further furnished with an Ashurbanipal Typ a colophon.
Powered by Oracc(Base text – Commentary – Quotations from other texts)
* GÌR ⸢qa?⸣-[an-ni GÍR.TAB GAR ina-an-ziq ÚŠ a-ga-nu-til-la UG₇]
"If he has a foot like a [scorpion's pincers, he will be worried, he will die of aganutillû (= TBP 22 l. 36, Böck Morphoskopie p. 266)]
šá ana KÁ-a-ni ⸢ZUKUM⸣ [GÌR-MIN-šú BAL-MEŠ]1
(it refers to a man) who treads outwards, [his feet are always slipping].
"If he has turtle feet, [he will become rich and enjoy the share of god and king" (= TBP 22 l. 38, Böck Morphoskopie p. 268)],
GÌR-MIN*-šú ana KÁ-a-ni GAR ⸢U⸣-[MEŠ GÌR-šú ...]
means that is feet are turned outwards, and the t[oes of his feet ...].
: ŠU.SI-MEŠ GÌR-MIN-šú na-[par-qu-da kàṣ-ba-ma ki-ṣir ŠU.SI-ME NU TUKUú]
(Alternatively), (it means that) the toes of his feet are are fl[at, they are stunted and have no phalanges].
* GÌR-MIN-šú kup-pu-pa lu-[...]
"If his feet are bent" (= Physiognomic unknown) [...]
* pa-šá-ra-an dul-⸢x⸣ [...]2
"If he is ..." (= Physiognomic unknown) [...]
* GÌR UR.GI₇ GAR ṣa-a-a-ad ÚKU⸢in⸣ [EN NU GÁLe GIN]3
"If he has dog feet, he is a vagrant, he will become poor, [he will become nonexistent" (= TBP 22 l. 34, Böck Morphoskopie p. 266)],
nak-kap GÌR-MIN-šú GAL-ma ŠU.SI-MEŠ-⸢šú*⸣ [ina ...]
means that the tip of his feet is big, and his toes [in ...].
* GÌR UR.GI₇ GAR ina ÚR-MEŠ-šú ⸢ban⸣-[dil-la-an ÚR-MEŠ SIG-MEŠ ...]4
"If he has dog feet, and is fat in his belly, [(or else) is thin in his belly ...],
KIMIN DU-MEŠ NU ⸢x x⸣ [...]
ditto, when he walks [...].
[...] ⸢alam⸣-dím-me-e5
[...] Alamdimmû.
[Palace of Ashurbanipal, king of the Universe, king] of Assyria.
1Compare Böck Morphoskopie (2000) p. 266 l. 32.
2See CAD P 236a.
3Compare Böck Morphoskopie (2000) p. 266 l. 34.
4Compare Böck Morphoskopie (2000) p. 266 l. 34.
5The line is reconstructed as [ṣâtu ala]mdimmê by Böck Morphoskopie (2000) p. 252. It could also read [ṭuppi n-kam mukallimtu ala]mdimmê or [n im.gíd-da ala]mdimmê, as proposed by Frahm GMTR 5 (2011) p. 46 and 213.