CCP 7.2.u56 - Uncertain

Catalogue information
British Museum
BM 47668
81-11-3,373+ 81-11-3,1157
BM 47668+ BM 48447


Base text: 
Tablet information
Fragment (upper left corner)
7 × 6 × 2,8 cm
Neo/Late Babylonian, specifics unknown

Gabbay, 2016U. Gabbay, The Exegetical Terminology of Akkadian Commentaries. Brill, 2016.
[On line 2a]
: 75

Jiménez, 05/2015 (Transliteration)
Jiménez, 05/2015 (Translation)
Jiménez, 05/2015 (Introduction)
Gabbay, 05/2015 (Reading suggestion (l. 11))
Jiménez, 08/2016 (Commentary markup)
By Enrique Jiménez | Make a correction or suggestion
How to cite
Jiménez, E., 2015, “Commentary on Uncertain (CCP 7.2.u56),” Cuneiform Commentaries Project (E. Frahm, E. Jiménez, M. Frazer, and K. Wagensonner), 2013–2025; accessed February 6, 2025, at DOI: 10079/bk3j9zb
© Cuneiform Commentaries Project (Citation Guidelines)

The present tablet, written in an elegant and neat script, constitutes a commentary on a text of uncertain nature. It is formed by two joining fragments (BM 47668+ BM 48447), both of which belong to the 81-11-3 consignment. They were joined by I. L. Finkel.

This fragment is known to us from a list of tablets suspected to contain commentaries kindly made available by Christopher Walker. In that list the fragment is classified as “commentary, grammatical?,” no doubt because of the equations of ll. 7-9 (anummu = ana yâši, “to me”; and šuātu = ana šâšu, “to him”). This identification may well be correct. However, as indicated in the textual notes below, these two equations are also attested in other types of commentaries and lexical lists, and their presence here does not suffice to ascertain the nature of the base text.

Some entries of the commentary offer alternative explanations for the same words (see ll. 1-2a). Some of the explanations are borrowed from synonym lists, especially from the list Malku, which is cited on several occasions. In addition, l. 8 seems to quote from some literary text.


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(Base textCommentaryQuotations from other texts)


BM 047668 + BM 048447[via ccpo]

o 1o 1

[ner]-ru-bu : la-sa-mu : ner-ru-[bu : ...]1

"To flee" means "to run,""To fle[e" means ...].

o 22

ri-ʾ-i-tu₄ : ma-ka-lu-ú : la?-[ʾ-ú : ...]2

"Pasture" means "meal"; "Ba[by means ...],

o 2a2a

šá-niš la-ʾ-ú [...]3

alternatively, "baby" [means ...]

o 33

ne-e-šu : <<x x x>> : na-za-qu? [...]4

[...] means "lion"; "to worry" means [...]

o 44

ta-šim-tu₄ : mil?-ku? : x-e lam-mu : x-[...]5

"Discernment" means "counsel"; ... [...]

o 55

a-la-la : ne-x-x [...]

alāla means ... [...]

o 66

man-gu : mur-ṣu : mi-i-[x ...]6

"mangu-disease" means "illness"; [...],

o 77

a-nu-um-mu : a-na ia-a-[ši ...]7

anummu means "to me" [...],

o 88

ka-a-ta da-nun-na-ki áš-[...]8

"To you the Anunnaki [...]."

o 99

šu-a- : a-na šá-a-šu : ù [...]9

šuātu means "to him"; "and" [...]

o 1010

li-i-x-a : a-na x [...]10


o 1111

x EME.SAL : li-šá-nu MUNUS [...]11

[...] emesal means "female language" [...].

o 1212

[(x)] x x KI.TA : ina tak-ka-x [...]


o 1313

[x x]-x-tu : ka-ka-[...]



1The same equation is attested in SpTU 1 83 r 32 (CCP 3.7.2.C).

2If correctly read, the first equation would be elsewhere unattested. Compare perhaps tiʾûtu = mākālu in CAD M/1 123f.

3The line is written in vertical on the left hand margin.

4Several signs have been erased.

5If the reading of the second word is correct, the equation would be attested in Malku IV 119.

6Equation attested in Malku IV 58.

7The equation is taken from Malku III 214.

8The line is perhaps a quotation from an unknown literary text.

9The same equation is attested in Malku III 102 and in the commentary SpTU 1 50 32 (CCP 4.2.F).

10The last sign is probably not KA.

11The last word could also be read as raq[qatu], as suggested by U. Gabbay (personal communication, 5/2015).

Photos by Enrique Jiménez

Courtesy of the Trustees of the British Museum