CCP 4.1.13.A - Sagig 13 (?) A

Catalogue information
Private Collection
RA 13 137

Scheil, 1916V. Scheil, Notules, Revue d'Assyriologie, vol. 13, pp. 125-142, 1916.: 137-138

MedicalDiagnostic and prognostic

ṣâtu 1

Base text: 
Sagig 13 (?)
Commentary no: 
Tablet information
obv 12, rev 8
Neo/Late Babylonian, specifics unknown

CAD P 38a, 142a[On line 6: Reading of the line [LUḪ.LUḪ-ud // ip-ta-na-⸢ru-ud sanîš⸣ [i]gtanallut RA 13 137: 6 (NB med. comm.); LUḪ(!).LUḪ(!)-ut (= igdanallut) // ip-ta-na-⸢làh(!)⸣ RA 13 137: 6 (med. comm.)]]

CAD P 115b[On line 10-11: ta-mit É-šú i-nam-din (explained by) šá É-šú i-pa-qí-du (see zâzu lex. section) RA 13 137:10f. (comm. to diagn. omens).]

CAD R 15a[On line 13-17: rab-biš // zamariš, ŠU.DUL // rab-bu šanîš rab-biš // nēhiš, ra-ba-bu // nuḫḫi, TUR.di-di.TUR // rab-bu // TUR.TUR // ṣiḫri — r. (means) quickly, ŠU.DUL (is the logogram for) rabbu, moreover, r. (also means) gently, (because) rabābu (means) to mollify, TUR.TUR (pronounced) di-di (is a logogram for) rabbu, TUR.TUR (means) small RA 13 137:13’. (comm. to Labat TDP 124 iii 27).]

CAD T 123b[On line 9-10: i-ḪAL // ta-mit É-šú inandin, i-ḪAL // i-za-a-zu // ta-mit É-šú inandin, šá É-su i-pa-qí-du (obscure, see zâzu lex. section) RA 13 137: 9f. (comm. to diagn. omens)]

CAD Z 76b[On line 9-10: i-ḫal ta-mit É-šú i-nam-din i-ḪAL // i-za-a-[z]u // ta-mit É-šú i-nam-din šá É-šú i-pa-qí-du - iḫâl (i.e., he will be dissolved, see hâlu A), he will give orders about his house (explanation) - i-ḪAL means he will divide (his property), he will give orders about his house (means) he will dispose of his house RA 13 137:10 (comm. to diagn. omens); for comm. on ḪAL and BA, see mngs. la and 7.]

CAD Q 246b[On line 9-10: 3. promise: qí-bit KA-šú inandin (with explanation) ša ina murṣīšu mimma mala iqabbû inandinu RA 13 137:7 (med. comm.); ]

Borger, 1967R. Borger, Handbuch der Keilschriftliteratur. Band I. Repertorium der sumerischen und akkadischen Texte. de Gruyter, 1967.
[RA 13 1371: Tablette scolaire d'Uruk avec gloses et vocabulaire. Kommentar zu einem mediz. Text.]
: 450

Borger, 1975R. Borger, Handbuch der Keilschriftliteratur. Band II. Supplement zu Band I. de Gruyter, 1975.
[RA 13 137f.) Kommentar.]
: 252

Chalendar, 2013V. Chalendar, «Un aperçu de la neuropsychiatrie assyrienne». Une édition du texte BAM III-202, Le Journal des Médecines Cunéiformes, vol. 21, pp. 1-60, 2013.
[On line 6: luḫ.luḫ-ut]
: 38

Civil & Green & Lambert, 1979M. Civil, Green, M. W. , and Lambert, W. G. , Ea A = nâqu, Aa A = nâqu, with their Forerunners and Related Texts. Pontificium Institutum Biblicum, 1979.
[On line 10-11: Reading of the line (cf. ta-mit É-šú i-nam-din RA 13 137:10f)]
: 326 ad 43'

Deller, 1992K. Deller, gurrudu «kahlköpfig» und gerdu «abgeschabte Wolle», N.A.B.U. Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires, vol. 1992/79, 1992.
[On line r 5-6]

Fincke, 2013aJ. C. Fincke, dŠaggāšu (“Murderer”), the Demon from the Steppe, Bibliotheca Orientalis, vol. 70, pp. 17-24, 2013.
[On line 13-16]
: 18 fn. 11

Frahm, 2011E. Frahm, Babylonian and Assyrian Text Commentaries. Origins of Interpretation. Ugarit-Verlag, 2011.: 234

Gabbay, 2016U. Gabbay, The Exegetical Terminology of Akkadian Commentaries. Brill, 2016.: 75 (6′, 15′), 110 (8′, 11′)

Scheil, 1916V. Scheil, Notules, Revue d'Assyriologie, vol. 13, pp. 125-142, 1916.: 137-138

Jiménez, 07/2015 (Transliteration)
Jiménez, 07/2015 (Translation)
Jiménez, 07/2015 (Introduction)
Jiménez, 08/2016 (Commentary markup)
By Enrique Jiménez | Make a correction or suggestion
How to cite
Jiménez, E., 2015, “Commentary on Sagig 13 (?) (CCP 4.1.13.A),” Cuneiform Commentaries Project (E. Frahm, E. Jiménez, M. Frazer, and K. Wagensonner), 2013–2025; accessed March 13, 2025, at DOI: 10079/ksn0374
© Cuneiform Commentaries Project (Citation Guidelines)

This small tablet contains entries of a commentary on an unknown text. The tablet was published a hundred years ago by J.-V. Scheil under the title “tablette scolaire d’Uruk avec gloses et vocabulaire.” An Uruk provenience of the tablet seems indeed very likely – note that tablets from Uruk started to flood European collections in 1913. Scheil did not indicate where the tablet was kept, and its current whereabouts are unknown.1

The tablet contains several simple philological equations, as well as some rather long elucubrations. These elucubrations provide different alternative explanations for the same words, making use of the term šanîš, “alternatively” (ll. 13′-17′), or simply listing one interpretation after the other (ll. “19′-20′”). Some of the explanations use the technical term ša, which introduces paraphrases. Thus the difficult line qibīt pīšu inaddin, “he will give an order” (which may represent a corruption of the base text, see note ad loc.) is explained as referring to the man “who, in his disease, is given whatever he asks for” (ll. 7′-8′).

The most peculiar feature of this commentary is that its rubric consists simply of the word ṣâtu, without any indication on its base text. This is in fact the only known case of a commentary labeled as simply ṣâtu.2 It is at present difficult to identify the base text of the present tablet. The lemma dealt with in l. 6′, luḫ.luḫ-ut, is typical of medical tablets. If it has been correctly interpreted, the explanations in ll. 7′-8′ refer to an apodosis that is particularly common in Sagig.3 Interestingly enough, one of the words commented upon, rabbiš, “softly,” is attested only in the medical series Sagig (Sagig XIII iii 27),4libbī libbī rab-bíš : rap-diš išassi qāt eṭemmi šaggāši imât, “If he cries out ‘my belly, my belly!’ softly (var. rapidly), hand of the ‘murderer’-demon – he will die.” This is the reason why the commentary is classified in CAD P 115b, T 123b, and Z 76b as a “commentary on diagnostic omens,” and in CAD R 15a as a “commentary on TDP.” However, N.P. Heeßel considers this doubtful, and believes that the base text could also be a therapeutic text or even a text of different nature.5

Perhaps the fact that the commentary is labeled simply as ṣâtu, without giving the incipit of its base text, means that it contains comments on a variety of texts, rather than on simply one.


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(Base textCommentaryQuotations from other texts)


RA 013, 137[via ccpo]


ina [...]

(1') ...


ina x [...]




ta-qar-ri-[ib ...]

(4') "you will approach" [...]


la i-ṣar!-ru?-[ru? ...]

(5') "it does not flow" [...]


LUḪ!.LUḪ!ut : ip-ta-na-ru!-ud! šá-niš ig-ta-na-al-lu-ut1

(6') LUḪ.LUḪ-ut means "he is always nervous"; alternatively, it means "he is repeatedly scared"


-bit KA-šú i-nam-din2

(7') "He will give an order" refers to (the man) who, in his disease, is given whatever he asks for.


    šá ina mur-ṣi-šú mim-ma ma-la i-qab-bu-ú i-nam-di-nu


i-ḫal : ta-mit É-šú i-nam-din3

(9') The word i-ḫal means "he will give orders about his house," (since) i.ḪAL means "they will divide (his property)." "He will give orders about his house" refers to (the man) who puts his house in order.


    iḪAL : i-za-a-zu : ta-mit É-šú i-nam-din4


       šá É-su i-pa--du


at-mu-ú : da-ba-ba

(12') "Speech" means "talk."


rab-biš : za-mar-5

(13') "Gently" (rabbiš) means "quickly." ŠU.DUL (is a logogram for) "gentle" (rabbu); alternatively, "gently" (rabbiš) means "softly" (nēḫiš), since "to be gentle" (rabābu) means "to be soft" (nuḫḫu). TUR.TUR, pronounced /di.di/, (is a logogram for) "gentle" (rabbu); TUR.TUR (also) means "small."


ŠU.DUL : rab-bu6


šá-niš rab-biš : -ḫi-


ra-ba-bu : nu-uḫ-ḫi


TURdi-di.TUR : rab-bu : TUR.TUR : ṣe-eḫ-ri!7



(18') Lemmata.

line run over from obverse

: ba-qa-a-mu : : qa-ra-du

(19') means "to pluck"; means "to tear out"; means "to pull out."


    : na-sa-a-ḫu

1The reading of the first part of the line is that of CAD P 142a, in CAD P 38a the second wrod is read as ip-ta-na-làḫ!.

2The explanandum may be a corruption of an apodosis particularly common in Sagig, ana ik-rib -bít KA-šú TIN, "for a vow that he promised he will get well" (see Borger JCS 18 (1964) p. 54a and Scurlock & Andersen, Diagnoses in Assyrian and Babylonian Medicine (2005), p. 255 §11.44, see also CCP 4.1.13.B l. 15). i-nam-din here may be a corruption of DIN in that prognosis.

3CAD Ḫ 55b proposes reading ta-mit as ta-ziz, an otherwise unattested word for "share."

4The interpretation adopted here follows CAD Z 76b.

5In the medical corpus, rabbiš is only attested in TDP 124 iii 27 (šumma rab-biš || rap-diš išassi, "if he cries out ('My stomach, my stomach') softly || variant: rapidly").

6The equation may be attested in Erimḫuš V 163-164 (MSL 17 p. 74): ŠUšu-du-ul.DUL₄ = katāmu, ŠU.NÍG.TUR.<<RU>>..BI = rab-bu-um. However, it would also be possible to take the first word as šu-dul, "wide," in Akkadian (see CAD Š/3 193b).

7The first equation appears in Diri I 264-265 (MSL 15 p. 54).