This small tablet, identified from a list of commentary fragments kindly made available by Christopher B. F. Walker, preserves a commentary on Tirānu, the second chapter of the extispicy series Bārûtu. Specifically it contains glosses on the last omens of the third tablet of Tirānu, whose best preserved manuscript is MLC 1874 (BRM 4 13). It remains to be checked whether it may be part of BM 42322 (CCP 3.4.1.E), a commentary on Bārûtu 1 (Isru) from the same museum consignment (81-7-1).
The first line explains the phrase, "trapezoid" (CAD P 552-553), from BRM 4 13 63, as pūt alpi, "ox's forehead," an interpretation also attested in the Šumma Ālu commentary Rm.122 18 (CCP 3.5.54). The second line glosses as šuškallu, "battle-net," some writing of the same word (BRM 4 13 74 reads simply šu-uš-kal-li), and then explains it as šētu, "net" (the equation is also attested in K.182 r 8 = CCP 3.4.5.F.a). The final gloss translates sag.du, "head" (BRM 4 13 75) as qaqqadu ("head" in Akkadian), and then apparently proceeds to explain the individual components of the word in a notarikon fashion.
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[...] ⸢SAG⸣.KI GU₄ : SAG : ⸢pu-ú⸣-[tú : GU₄ : al-pu ...]
[...] In "trapezoid" (SAG.KI GU₄, lit. 'ox's forehead'), SAG.KI means "forehead" [and GU₄ means "ox" ...].
[...] šu-uš-kal-li : MIN<(šu-uš-kal-li)> : še-⸢e⸣-[tu ...]
[...] means "battle-net", the same also means "hunting net" [...].
[...] : SAG.DU : qaq-qad : SAG : ⸢qaq!(NI-)[qa-du ...]
[...] SAG.DU means "head," because SAG means "head" and [...].
[...] ⸢x x⸣ [...]