CCP 6.1.2 - Aa I/2

Catalogue information
British Museum
BM 40121
BabylonBabylon (Spartali)
Base text: 
Aa I/2
Tablet information
i 20, ii 31
Neo/Late Babylonian, specifics unknown
Jiménez, 01/2015 (Identification)
Wagensonner, 08.2018 (Transliteration)
Wagensonner, 08/2018 (Translation)
Wagensonner, 08/2018 (Introduction)
Jiménez, 08/2018 (Revision)
By Klaus Wagensonner | Make a correction or suggestion
How to cite
Wagensonner, K., 2018, “Commentary on Aa I/2 (CCP 6.1.2),” Cuneiform Commentaries Project (E. Frahm, E. Jiménez, M. Frazer, and K. Wagensonner), 2013–2025; accessed March 11, 2025, at DOI: 10079/cvdncxq
© Cuneiform Commentaries Project (Citation Guidelines)

The present text is a fragment of a fairly large multi-column tablet with at least two columns per side. Each column is divided into three subcolumns: (1) pronunciation, (2) logogram, and (3) Akkadian equivalent. Based on the entries still extant on the fragment, the inscribed side can be identified as the tablet’s reverse. The entries are based on Aa I/2. MSL 14, 207-218 lists five manuscripts originating from Babylonian sites such as Babylon and Borsippa; a further manuscript originates from Nineveh. Due to its comparatively good state of preservation MSL took BM 38128 (CT 12, 25–26) as basic text. Each entry on this four-column tablet is also subdivided into three subcolumns. Similar to the present text, several Akkadian equivalents may be combined in one line and separated by a colon.1 As it is characteristic for both Ea and Aa, the complex grapheme in subcolumn 2 is directly followed by the inscribed sign.2

The first preserved column on the fragment’s reverse still has remnants of a few entries, in particular those dealing with the complex graphemes lagab×a and lagab×gar (i.e., Aa I/2, 213-221). The second column continues after a long break with lagab×gud&gud (293) up until lagab× (333). Depending on the length of the break in between the columns there might have been another column following containing the remainder of Aa I/2.

The preserved entries do not attest to any commentarial technical terminology. It seems not unlikely that the present tablet is rather to be interpreted as a manuscript of Aa I/2 than a commentary pertaining to its entries.

  • 1. For a similar feature see the Diri commentary or manuscript CCP 6.2.1.
  • 2. Compare here, for instance, the Aa commentary CCP 6.1.17.

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BM 040121[via ccpo]

Column i
r i'r i  (missing)
r i' 1'1'


r i' 2'2'


r i' 3'3'


r i' 4'4'


(4 lines missing)
r i' 9'9'


(1 line missing)
r i' 11'11'




r i' 12'12'

* a-a



r i' 13'13'

* as-lum



r i' 14'14'

* -te


[ŠU-ma URU]

r i' 15'15'

* bu-nin


[bu-nin-nu šá A]

r i' 16'16'


r i' 17'17'


r i' 18'18'

* bu-gìn


[bu-gìn-nu šá NINDA]

r i' 19'19'


r i' 20'20'

[* u]-maḫ?



Column ii
r ii'r ii  (missing)
r ii' 1'1'


x [...]1

r ii' 2'2'




(ii' 2') [(The complex grapheme) |LAGAB×GUD| read /šurum/] means "excrement".

r ii' 3'3'

[* šu-ri-im]


MIN<(ka-bu-u)> : ru-ub-ṣu

(ii' 3') [(The complex grapheme) |LAGAB×GUD&GUD| also means "excrement", and "bedding place", "dung pellet", "dung", "animal stall".

r ii' 4'4'

piq-qa-an-nu : ia-di-ma-[]2

r ii' 5'5'


r ii' 6'6'

[* ú]



(ii' 6') [(The complex grapheme) |LAGAB×GUD&GUD| read /u/] means "ewe": (The spelling) la-ah-ru₃ is (its) phonetic pronunciation.

r ii' 7'7'


r ii' 8'8'


r ii' 9'9'

[* la-aḫ-]



(ii' 9') [(The complex grapheme) |LAGAB×GUD&GUD| read /lahru/] means "ewe": Lahar, "female sheep" also means "to lie down"

r ii' 10'10'



r ii' 11'11'


r ii' 12'12'




r ii' 13'13'




r ii' 14'14'

[* pu-ú]


[šá] IN.LAGAB×.LAGAB× pu-u6

(ii' 14') [(The complex grapheme) |LAGAB×EŠ| read /pu/] (is said) [regarding] ..., "to transfer" said of grain.

r ii' 15'15'

na-sa-ḫu šá ŠE

r ii' 16'16'

[* bu-ul]


na-šá-pu šá ŠE7

(ii' 16') [(The complex grapheme) |LAGAB×EŠ| read /bul/] means "to winnow" said of grain.

r ii' 17'17'

[* bu-ur]


nu-us-su- šá ŠE8

(ii' 17') [(The complex grapheme) |LAGAB×EŠ| read /bur/] means "..." said of grain.

r ii' 18'18'

[* za-an-sur]


ša-às-su- : tu-šá-9

(ii' 18') [(The complex grapheme) |LAGAB×EŠ| read /zansur/] means "womb", "cocoon", "cage", "..."

r ii' 19'19'



qu-up-pa-tu₄ : tu-um?-šu10

r ii' 20'20'

[* tu-ku]


na-a-šú : na-pa-šú

(ii' 20') [(The complex grapheme) |LAGAB×EŠ| read /tuku/] means "to quake", "to breathe freely", "to tremble", "...", "to quake", "anger", "to grind", "to shake", "to tremble", "to quiver", "to make quiver", ..., "to tremble", "to tremble", "to be giddy".

r ii' 21'21'

na-ra-ṭù : re-du-u11

r ii' 22'22'

ra-a-bu : ra-i-bu12

r ii' 23'23'

ga-ṣa-ṣu : nu-úḫ-ḫu-ṣú

r ii' 24'24'

šá-a-bu : ka-ta-tu13

r ii' 25'25'


r ii' 26'26'

ra-ḫa-du : ra-[ta]-tu14

r ii' 27'27'

ta-ra- : da-a-mu

r ii' 28'28'



šá NIN? x LAGAB nu ta ru?15

r ii' 29'29'

x i tam mu u

r ii' 30'30'

[... : iṣ]-ṣu?-ur ḪUL-tu₄

r ii' 31'31'



[kiš-šá-tu :] da?-ad?-mu


1There is fine guiding line running down in the middle of subcolumn 3.

2The reconstruction of the end of this entry is based on Malku III, 135, which equates the term jadimātu with rubṣu (see previous line): the Neo-Babylonian ms. A (SpTU III, 120) from Uruk reads ia-a-di-ma-tu₄, the Neo-Assyrian ms. B (LTBA II, 1) from Assur reads e-d[i-...]; see Hrůša 2010: 368.

3See Ea I, 109

4The Aa-commentary CCP 6.1.2.B also contains the technical term KA.KA.SI.GA for a grapheme’s phonetic pronunciation. Here, lines 7'-8' should be understood as one unit.

5See Ea I, 111

6See Ea I, 114

7For this entry see Ea I, 115. Only the Middle Babylonian manuscript CBS has našāpu. The main entry in YBC 2176 (ms. A) reads na-pa-hu ša ŠE#.

8Ea I, 116 reads in the Akkadian subcolumn nu-us-su-u# šaŠE according to MSL 14, 182.

9CAD Š/II lists two separate lexemes for šassūru, which are phonetically related to the complex grapheme's reading /zansur/: (A) "womb, mother goddess" and (B) a designation for an insect. Aa I/2, 317 is listed under the second meaning. The fact, however, that in our text it is followed by tušaru (CAD T, 495 s.v.tušaru A), which is used to designate the cocoon of a caterpillar (cf. Ea I, 86: še-rim-sur : LAGAB×(ŠE.SUM) : tušaru ša nappillu), the first meaning is favored here.

10Since the preceding line deals with the semantic field of enclosures (womb, pouch/cocoon), it appears likely to understand quppātu (or a fem. sg. quppatu) as "box, cage" (see CAD Q, 307-310). Although there is no other direct lexical evidence for the logogram LAGAB×EŠ denoting this word, in the short Old Babylonian lexical text UET 6, 390 we read KIN.GUR₄ : ka-an-nu-um, qup-pu-um (l. 11-12) (i.e., GUR₄ = LAGAB). This, however, might only be a phonetic variant to more common GI.GUR. The last signs perhaps tu-šìr? [EJ]

11Compare Erimhuš Bogh. E b:9': BUL.[BUL] tu-tuna-ra#-[ṭu]. It is noteworthy that the sign DU is used here instead of ṬU.

12The first RA is written over erasure.

13The present text adds the G stem katātu, "to quiver," before šuktutu that corresponds to Aa I/2, 326.

14Aa is here slightly different: It reads in entries 327-328 ra-a-du and ra-ta-tu.

15This and the next two lines must correspond to Aa I/2, 332-333. The present text, however, appears to provide more equivalents. For the bird of prey called eššebu in Akkadian see Veldhuis (2004, 272-275).

Photos by Enrique Jiménez

Courtesy of the Trustees of the British Museum