Jiménez, 2016aE. Jiménez, “Loose Threads of Tradition. Two Late Hemerological Compilations”, Journal of Cuneiform Studies, vol. 68, pp. 197-227, 2016.[On line 5′]: 217
This fragment is known to us from a list of commentary tablets kindly made available by Ch. Walker in January 2014. The surface of the tablet is eroded and as a consequence the signs are at some points difficult to identify. It may contain a commentary on the divinatory series Šumma Ālu: this is suggested by the fact that the rare verb ḫatāru, which appears in line 4’ of the fragment, is elsewhere attested only in one manuscript of that series, K.4110 60 (CT 39 30, Šumma Ālu 79). Moreover, the verbs ṣâdu, “to roam” (l. 9’), and atû, “to find” (l. 8’) appear frequently in the omens of that series. The latter features also in several Šumma Ālu commentaries (see CAD A/2 519b).
Powered by Oracc(Base text – Commentary – Quotations from other texts)
[...] x [...]
[...] x-ka-⸢du?⸣ [...]
[x x x] : pa-la-su : ⸢a?⸣-[...]1
[...] means "to look;" [...]
[x x (x)]-am : ḫa-ta-ri : ⸢x⸣-[...]2
[...] means "to wag" (the tail) [...]
[x] ⸢x⸣ ana za-ap-pi : ⸢be-x⸣-nu lìb-bu-⸢ú⸣ [...]
[...] said of a tuft of hair (or, of the Plejades), ... as in [...].
⸢lìb-bu⸣-ú NU ta-pa-⸢x⸣-kab lum-⸢x⸣ [...]3
as in "do not ..." [...]
šu-ke-nu : la-ban ap-pi : it-⸢ti⸣ [...]4
"To prostrate oneself" means "to stroke one's nose;" ... [...]
BAD/NU ut-tu-u : a-ma-rù : nu-uk-ku?-⸢du⸣ [: ...]5
In "... he will discover," ("to discover" means) "to see." "To be anxious," [...]
ṣa-⸢i?⸣-du : ṣa-a-du : a-la-ku : ⸢x x⸣ [...]
"Roaming" stems from "to roam," which means "to go;" [...]
a-lik maḫ-ri ⸢: pe⸣-tu-u šá piš-⸢ri⸣ [...]
"Leader" means "he who reveals the interpretation" [...]
[x] ⸢x x⸣ [x x x] ⸢x x x⸣ [...]
1Perhaps palāsu = amāru.
2The verb ḫatāru is only attested in K.4110 60 (CT 39 30), a manuscript of Šumma Ālu 79
3This line may contain a literary quotation.
4The equation šukēnu = labān appi is elsewhere known only in the hemerological compilation BM 34584+ l. 121-122 (Jiménez JCS 68 [2016] p. 210).
5Note that nukkudu is followed by ṣaʾādu in Ea II 93-94 (MSL 14 p. 251), as in lines 8'-9' here.