CCP 6.1.u4 - Aa VI

Catalogue information
British Museum
BM 38519
BabylonBabylon (Rassam)


Base text: 
Tablet information
obv 10, rev 13
5,5 × 3,4 cm
Neo/Late Babylonian, specifics unknown
Jiménez, 05/2017 (Identification)
Jiménez, 05/2017 (Transliteration)
Jiménez, 05/2017 (Translation)
Jiménez, 05/2017 (Introduction)
Veldhuis, 05/2017 (Suggestions)
By Enrique Jiménez | Make a correction or suggestion
How to cite
Jiménez, E., 2017, “Commentary on Aa VI (CCP 6.1.u4),” Cuneiform Commentaries Project (E. Frahm, E. Jiménez, M. Frazer, and K. Wagensonner), 2013–2025; accessed March 10, 2025, at DOI: 10079/ht76hsr
© Cuneiform Commentaries Project (Citation Guidelines)

This small fragments contains the first known commentary on tablet VI of Aa and is of some interest for the reconstruction of Ea VI. As discussed by Civil in MSL 14 p. 431, Ea VI is poorly known. The present fragment presents a sequence gam (?) : nu : gul (…) uru : ra : ru (?), thus demonstrating that the signs nu and gam were also dealt with in Ea VI, and not to Ea V, as previously assumed (see MSL 14 p. 396).

The fragment belongs to the British Museum’s “Babylon Collection.” It shares it consignment (80-11-12) with some 50 other commentaries and commentary fragments (see a list here). Two of them are commentaries on Aa: BM 38137 (CCP 6.1.16.A.b, on Aa III/1) and BM 38525 (CCP 6.1.12, on Aa II/4).


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(Base textCommentaryQuotations from other texts)


BM 038519[via ccpo]

o 1'o 1'

[x (x)]-ú-du :? [...]

[] []

o 2'2'

ka?-ma-su : x [...]

[To k]neel []

o 3'3'

NU : ṭa-mu-ú : TUKU? x-[...]1

nu means “to spin,” [].

o 4'4'

NU : la?-a? : sa? x na [...]

nu means not; [].

o 5'5'

GUL : e-pe-šú šá .BABBAR [...]2

gul means “to do, said of sil[ver” ]

o 6'6'

e-pe-šú šá .BABBAR ù [?.GI? ...]

“To do, said of silver a[nd gold (?) ].

o 7'7'

ul in--ep-[pu- ...]

“It was not do[ne …” (= quotation from unknown text) ]

o 8'8'

ri-si-it-[ ...]3

“Soaked ma[lt ],

o 9'9'

ši-ip-pu [...]4


o 10'10'

x x [...]


r 1'r 1'

ku [...]


r 2'2'

šá-ki-ru-[ú ...]5

“Henb[ane” (Aa VI/4 43) ].

r 3'3'

SILIG(URU×IGI) : ma-a-a-[al- ...]6

silig means “be[d” (Aa VI/4 ca. 105-106) ].

r 4'4'

su-ul-ḫu : x-[...]7

“Palm” means [].

r 5'5'

x-ru-ka/ne ir-ši [...]8


r 6'6'

ra-a-ḫu : ra-ḫu-[ú ...]9

The rāḫu-sign (i.e., RA read as raḫ) means “to pour out” (raḫ[û) (= Aa VI/4 135-136) ].

r 7'7'

ra-a-ḫu : šá su-x : [...]

“To remain” (râḫu) means [].

r 8'8'

[x x] x kul?-li-zu? [...]

[] ox-driver (Aa VI/4 134 (?)) []

r 9'9'

x x (x) nu? : tir-ru [...]


r 10'10'

x -ru-ru : x [...]10


r 11'11'

[x] x šá?-an : x [...]

[] []

r 12'12'

[x x] x : a-me-[lu? ...]

[] ma[n ].

r 13'13'

[x x x] x (x⸣) [...]

[] []

1Note that in Proto-Ea NU is preceded by GAM (449-450, MSL 14 pp. 49 and 99), which appears to be the case here (kamāsu, si vera lectio, is probably equated with GAM).

2The entry appears also in Nabnītu VII 130 (MSL 16 p. 108).

3Note sún(GUL).a.sur.ra = risittu in Ḫarra XXIII iii 17.

4It is uncertain whether the word should be read as šippu, šibbu, šīpu, vel sim.

5The logogram for šakirû is ŠAKIR(URU×GU) or ŠÀKIR(URU×GA).

6gišSILIG(URU×IGI) = mayyāltu is attested in Ḫarra V 66.

7The word sulḫu (CAD S 365a) was previously attested only in OB manuscripts of Ugumu D 22: šu-⸢silig⸣-mu = sú-ul-ḫi (see SC 2888 vii 24 in Couto Etnoanatomía y partonomía [2009] pp. 65 and 292). See also AO 5400 (Proto-Aa) ii 30 (šu?-ul-ḫu-um, MSL 14 p. 120).

8This line may contain a quotation from a literary text.

9As suggested in MSL 14 p. 442 note ad 135f., the reading ra-aḫ should be restored in the first column of Aa VI/4 135-136.

10Compare perhaps Nabnītu XXV 263, ĝiš.má ru-ru-gú = šaqû ša eleppi; although the present word probably refers to RU.

Photos by Enrique Jiménez

Courtesy of the Trustees of the British Museum