Frahm, 2011E. Frahm, Babylonian and Assyrian Text Commentaries. Origins of Interpretation. Ugarit-Verlag, 2011.: 166, 287
Leichty, 1986E. Leichty, Catalogue of the Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum. Volume VI: Tablets from Sippar 1. British Museum Publications, 1986.: 282
It is uncertain whether the present fragment represents a commentary text on Enūma Anu Enlil, as stated by Leichty in the catalogue of the "Sippar Collection."1 This possibility might be supported by the fact that the few preserved signs of the tablet do feature the moon god and mention days and numbers; they also include phonetic glosses.
Powered by Oracc(Base text – Commentary – Quotations from other texts)
⸢x⸣ šu ⸢x⸣ [...]
2 6 ⸢x⸣ [...]
[d]⸢30 TAR⸣-[...]
Sîn [...]
da-alTAR [...]2
TAR [...]
sa-aSA [...]
SA, pronounced /sa/, [...].
d30 U₄ 27-⸢KAM⸣ [...]
Sîn, 27th day [...]
i-⸢na⸣ [...]
in [...]
1Perhaps from napāḫu?
2The reading /dal/ of TAR is seemingly elsewhere unattested.