ṣâtu 7a
CAD U/W 179b[On line r 12-13]
CAD Ṭ 4a,20a, 164a[Sundry quotations]
CAD P 24a, 166b, 530b[On line 16-18, r 13-24, r 3-4: BM 42489]
CAD R 253a[On line 25]
Civil, 1999M. Civil, “Reading Gilgameš”, Aula Orientalis, vol. 17/18, pp. 179-189, 1999.[On line r 17': Quotation from Lugale, "Comm. C to Aa II/5"]: 185 fn. 18
Frahm, 2011E. Frahm, Babylonian and Assyrian Text Commentaries. Origins of Interpretation. Ugarit-Verlag, 2011.: 53, 243, 245, 307, 311
Gabbay, 2016U. Gabbay, The Exegetical Terminology of Akkadian Commentaries. Brill, 2016.: 138 (18), 144 (r 9′)
Lambert, 1999bW. G. Lambert, “Babylonian Linguistics”, in Languages and Cultures in Contact. At the Crossroads of Civilizations in the Syro-Mesopotamian Realm. Proceedings of the 42th RAI, K. Van Lerberghe and Voet, G. , Eds. Peeters, 1999, pp. 217-231.[On line o 18]: 227
van Dijk, 1983J. J. A. van Dijk, Lugal ud me-lám-bi nir-ĝál. Le récit épique et didactique des Travaux de Ninurta, du Déluge et de la Nouvelle Création. Texte, traduction et introduction. Brill, 1983.[Quotation from Lugale]: 127
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