CCP 4.2.X - Therapeutic (?) X

Catalogue information
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
MMA 86.11.287E
CTMMA 2 pl. 94 no. 70

Reiner, 2005aE. Reiner, No. 70: Medical Commentary and No. 71: Commentary on Enuma Anu Enlil, in Cuneiform texts in The Metropolitan Museum of Art, I. Spar and Lambert, W. G. , Eds. Metropolitan Museum, 2005, pp. 284-287.: 284-285 no. 70

MedicalTherapeutic texts


Base text: 
Therapeutic (?)
Commentary no: 
Tablet information
obv 13, rev 3
6,3 × 2,5 × 2,5 cm
Seleucid / Parthian (3rd cent - ca 100 BCE) (Babylon / Uruk)
Nabû-balāssu-iqbi s. Marduk-zēru-ibni d. Egibatila (?)

Frahm, 2011E. Frahm, Babylonian and Assyrian Text Commentaries. Origins of Interpretation. Ugarit-Verlag, 2011.: 239-40, 308

Gabbay, 2016U. Gabbay, The Exegetical Terminology of Akkadian Commentaries. Brill, 2016.: 26 (11), 81 (3(?))

Reiner, 2005aE. Reiner, No. 70: Medical Commentary and No. 71: Commentary on Enuma Anu Enlil, in Cuneiform texts in The Metropolitan Museum of Art, I. Spar and Lambert, W. G. , Eds. Metropolitan Museum, 2005, pp. 284-287.
: 284-285 no. 70

Jiménez, 05/2014 (ATF Transliteration)
Jiménez, 05/2014 (Translation)
Jiménez, 05/2014 (Lemmatization)
Jiménez, 05/2014 (Introduction)
By Enrique Jiménez | Make a correction or suggestion
How to cite
Jiménez, E., 2014, “Commentary on Therapeutic (?) (CCP 4.2.X),” Cuneiform Commentaries Project (E. Frahm, E. Jiménez, M. Frazer, and K. Wagensonner), 2013–2024; accessed July 26, 2024, at DOI: 10079/5dv421n
© Cuneiform Commentaries Project (Citation Guidelines)

Little can be said of this fragment, of which not a single equation is preserved. E. Reiner argues convincingly that it could be a commentary on a medical text, since "lizards" (o 5 ṣurārû), diseases such as sāḫu (o 6) or humṭu, "fever" (o 9) and materia medica such as emesallu-salt (o 7) are mentioned.1 The occurrence of mul.bir (o 3) in a late medical commentary from Uruk (SpTU 1 54 11' = CCP 4.2.J) makes the classification proposed by Reiner even more likely. On the other hand, the mention of Sippar in o 2 and of the "deputy" (šanê) of Enlil in o 3 are intriguing and as yet unaccountable.

This fragment was acquired by the Metropolitan Museum of Art on the same day as CCP 4.2.W, and they are likely to come from the same place. As Frahm2 has shown, its badly damaged colophon is likely to have contained the same names as CCP 4.2.W. If so, the tablet could be dated to around the end of the second century BC.


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(Base textCommentaryQuotations from other texts)


CTMMA 2, 070[via ccpo]

o 1o 1

[... an?-daḫ?]-ši : an-da-[aḫ?-šú? ...]

[...] andaḫšu is the andaḫšu-plant [...]

o 22

[...] šá ZIMBIRki [...]

[...] of Sippar [...]

o 33

[... d]ALAD ša--e dEN?.[LÍL? ...]

[...] the spirit deputy of Enlil [...]

o 44

[...] x x : mulÉLLAG [: ka-li- ...]1

[...] ... is the 'Kidney'-constellation, [which means kidney ...]

o 55

[...] x ṣu-ra-ru šá x [...]

[...] lizard that [...]

o 66

[...] x : sa-a-ḫu [...]

[...] the sāḫu-disease [...]

o 77

[...] : MUN eme-sal-[lim ...]

[...] emesallu-salt [...]

o 88

[...] KURú : SU-šú ni-[...]

[...] mountain. His body [...]

o 99

[...] ḫu-un-ṭu : šu?-[...]

[...] fever [...]

o 1010

[...]-ši? : an-x [...]


o 1111

[...] x NU GAG-x [...]


o 1212

[...] x : an-x [...]


o 1313

[...] x x [...]


r 1'r 1'

[... mdUD.UD.UD.UD.UD.UD.UD.UD.UD-DIN-su-E A šá mdAMAR].UTU-NUMUN-[ A mde₄-gi₇-ba-ti-la SAR-ma ib-ri]

[Nabû-balāssu-iqbi, son of] Marduk-zēra-[ibni, descendant of Egibatila, wrote it and collated it.]

r 2'2'

    [pa-liḫ] dUD.[UD.UD.UD.UD.UD.UD.UD.UD]

[The reverer of] Nabû

r 3'3'

    [ma-diš] ma?-diš [li₆-ṣur li₆-šá-qir]2

[should] very [much protect the tablet and respect it.]

1The gloss on mulÉLLAG is restored after SpTU 1 54 11' (CCP 4.2.J).

2Colophon restored after Frahm GMTR 5 (2011) p. 240 fn. 114.