CCP 3.1.55.B - Enūma Anu Enlil 55 B

Catalogue information
British Museum
NinevehNineveh (Kuyunjik)
K.2314 + K.6519 + K.15255
AAT 82 [K.2314]
ACh Ištar 21-22 [K.2314] [composite copy]
DivinationAstrological. Enūma Anu Enlil

mukallimtu 2a

Base text: 
Enūma Anu Enlil 55
Commentary no: 
Tablet information
1 (or >)
obv. 27, rev. 11
5,08 × 4,76 × 2,22 cm
7th cent (Assurbanipal libraries and other Assyrian cities)
Asb Typ k

CAD Š/1 426b[On line 4: Cited in a report?]

Fincke, 2001J. C. Fincke, Der Assur-Katalog der Serie enūma anu enlil (EAE), Orientalia Nova Series, vol. 70, pp. 19-39, 2001.
[On line obv 1]
: 29

Frahm, 2011E. Frahm, Babylonian and Assyrian Text Commentaries. Origins of Interpretation. Ugarit-Verlag, 2011.: 43, 133, 150

Reiner, 1998aE. Reiner, Celestial Omen Tablets and Fragments in the British Museum, in tikip santakki mala bašmu.. Festschrift für Rykle Borger zu seinem 65. Geburtstag am 24. Mai 1994, S. M. Maul, Ed. Styx, 1998, pp. 215-302.: 223

Frazer, 06/2017 (Transliteration)
Frazer, 06/2017 (Translation)
Frazer, 06/2017 (Introduction)
Jiménez, 06/2017 (Suggestions)
Frazer, 10/2017 (Corrections [ll. 12 & 14])
By Mary Frazer | Make a correction or suggestion
How to cite
Frazer, M., 2017, “Commentary on Enūma Anu Enlil 55 (CCP 3.1.55.B),” Cuneiform Commentaries Project (E. Frahm, E. Jiménez, M. Frazer, and K. Wagensonner), 2013–2025; accessed February 16, 2025, at DOI: 10079/wpzgn58
© Cuneiform Commentaries Project (Citation Guidelines)

Large fragment in Neo-Assyrian script containing all or parts of the first twenty seven lines of a commentary on EAE 55 (according to the Nineveh numbering system) on its obverse, and parts of the commentary’s last seven lines on its reverse. The fragment consists of three smaller fragments (K.2314 + K.6519 + K.15255), joined by E. Reiner and W. G. Lambert. The commentary is followed by a two-line rubric and the remains of an Ashurbanipal colophon (possibly ‘Typ i-k’ = BAK no. 323).

The rubric identifies the preceding text as a mukallimtu-commentary,1 which is consistent with the text’s indentation format: only those lines which begin with a quotation of a new omen are not indented (but cf. o 6 and 10). The commentary also uses cola, albeit inconsistently, to equate the base text with the explanation (e.g., o 2 and 3). In two cases, it uses cola alongside line indentation (o 7 and 11).

The commentary focuses on omens derived from the movement and appearance of the Yoke Constellation (wr. mulšudun and mulš, = modern Boötes), although the final entry begins, “If the Waggon Constellation …” (wr. mulmar.gíd.da. The commentary equates the Yoke Constellation with Jupiter several times – the equation is made both explicitly (o 2) and implicitly (o 14-15, 16-17, 18, 19 and 20-21) – and with Mars once (o 22-23). Jupiter is also implicitly equated with both Mercury (o 6-7 and 10-11) and Venus (r 2′-3′ and 4′-5′).

The opening line, when read in conjunction with the opening line of CCP 3.1.55.G, l. 1, allows the incipit of EAE 55 to be identified securely as šumma mulnīru ina āṣīšu šaqûma ītanmar (“If the Yoke Constellation, when it rises, is (literally: was) high and visible”).2


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(Base textCommentaryQuotations from other texts)


AAT pl. 82 (K 2314)[via ccpo]

o 1o 1

[* mulŠUDUN] ina È-šú šá-qu-um-ma it-[tan-mar]1

“If the Yoke Constellation, when it rises, is (lit: ‘was’) high and [visible],

o 22

    BURU₁₄ KUR SI. mulŠUDUN : dSAG.[ME.GAR ...]2

the harvest of the land will prosper.” “The Yoke Constellation” means “Ju[piter” ]

o 33

    šu-pu-ú : ba-nu-u ina IGI.-šú GUR₄-ma [: ...]3

“to appear” means “to create.” “When it appears it is exceptionally bright” [ means “…”]

o 44

* mulŠUDUN ina È-šú ana dUTU.È IGI-šú [GARnu : ...]4

“If the Yoke Constellation, when it rises, [faces] east” [means “…]

o 55

    imU₁₈.LU GIŠ.ḪUR ina itiKIN U₄.10?.[KAM]

the South Wind [] a halo in Month 6 day 10[(+ n) ]

o 66

    dSAG.ME.GAR ina IGI.-šú KI.TA x [...]

Jupiter, when it appears, below []

o 77

    : dGU₄.UD ina dUTU.È!(DU) [DU]5

means “Mercury [will move] into the east.”

o 88

* mulŠUDUN ina È-šú ana dUTU.ŠÚ.A IGI-šú GARna

“If the Yoke Constellation, when it rises, faces west”

o 99

    IM mim-ma la i-zi-qa SU.GU₇ GAR[an]6

(means) “No wind will blow (and) there will be famine.”

o 1010

    dSAG.ME.GAR ina IGI.-šú AN.TA-ma [...]

Jupiter, when it appears above and []

o 1111

    : dGU₄.UD ina dUTU.ŠÚ.A [DU?]7

means “Mercury [will move] into the west.”

o 1212

* ina IGI mulŠUDUN mulGE₆ IGI GI.NA [(...)]

“If the Black One is visible in front of the Yoke Constellation []

o 1313

    ina IGI dSAG.ME.GAR dSAG. x? [...]

(means) “Before Jupiter, Saturn […”]

o 1414

* mulŠUDUN ina? KI.GUB d?UTU?šú? GUBiz x [...]

“If the Yoke Constellation stands in the position of the sun []

o 1515

    ina AN.GE₆ dUTU dSAG.[ME.GAR? ...]8

(means) “In an eclipse of the sun, Jup[iter ]

o 1616

* mulŠUDUN ma-diš SA₅ ḪÉ.GÁL ina [KUR GÁLši]

“If the Yoke Constellation is very red, [there will be abundance in [the land]

o 1717

    dSAG.ME.GAR i-ba-[?-ši? ...]9

(means) “Jupiter will [be ]

o 1818

* mulŠUDUN ma-diš SIG₇ SU.GU₇ ina KUR GÁLši dSAG.ME.[GAR]

“If the Yoke Constellation is very yellow-green, there will be a famine in the land” (means) “Jupi[ter.]

o 1919

* mulŠUDUN ma-diš <x> AN.GE₆ KUR.KUR dSAG.ME.[GAR ...]

“If the Yoke Constellation is very <>, (there will be) an eclipse (affecting) all the lands” (means) “Jupi[ter.]

o 2020

* mulŠU.PA ana? MUL.MUL TE dIMIN.BI x [...]10

“If the Yoke Constellation approaches the Pleiades” means “The Sebettu []

o 2121

    dSAG.ME.GAR ina MUL.MUL DU? [(...)]11

(means) “Jupiter will move into the Pleiades [()].”

o 2222

* mulŠU.PA a-dir LUGAL URIki ZI-ma KUR ELAM.MAki [(...)]

“If the Yoke Constellation grows dark, the king of Akkad will arise and [] the land of Elam.”

o 2323

    dṣal-bat-a-nu ú-KAL-[x]12

(means) “Mars will …”

o 2424

[x x] x x [x x] DIRI dé-a IDIM-MEŠ-šú dIŠKUR [...]

[] Ea his underground waters, Adad []

o 2525

[...] x ina mulGU.LA i-x-[...]

[] in the Gula Constellation []

o 2626

[...] x mi [...]

[] []

o 2727

[...] x x [...]

r 1'r 1'


(means) “…”

r 2'2'

* mulSAG.[ME.GAR ...]

“If Jup[iter ]

r 3'3'

    ddil-bat ina [x (x)] x x [...]13

(means) “Venus in []

r 4'4'

* mulMIN mul.GÁN KUR-ma [...]

“If ditto reaches the Field Constellation []

r 5'5'

    ddil-bat ina mul.ḪUN. [...]14

(means) “Venus in the Ares Constellation []

r 6'6'

* mulMAR.GÍD.DA ana mulŠUDUN [...]

“If the Waggon Constellation [] to the Yoke Constellation”

r 7'7'

    ir*-ru-ur ddil-bat x x x [...]

“It will be convulsed” (means) “Venus []

r 8'8'

mu-kal-lim-ti šá U₄ AN dEN.LÍL.[]

Mukallimtu-commentary on (the series) Enūma Anu Enlil, [(with) oral explanations following the sayings of a (master-)scholar, (referring to entries)]

r 9'9'

[šá] ŠÀ * mulŠUDUN ina È-šú šá-[qu-um-ma it-tan-mar]

[fro]m “If the Yoke Constellation, when it rises, is h[igh and visible”]

r 10'10'


[(Property) of the palace] of Ashurbanipal, great king, mighty king, [king of the four quarters, king of Assyria]

r 11'11'

[x x x] x [(x)] IGI-MEŠ-šu-ma [...]15

[ who]se eyes []

1Since Craig made his copy the first words in the line have broken away, but they can be restored on the basis of o 4, 8 and 14 and r 9'. The correctness of the restoration of ītanmar is assured by CCP 3.1.55.G o 1 and the Assur catalogue of EAE incipits (Fincke 2001: p. 24 I 10').

2In CCP 3.1.55.G, “The harvest of the land will prosper” is cited as the apodosis in the base text. For the equation of the Yoke Constellation with Jupiter elsewhere see Brown (2000: 60).

3Both šu-pu-ú and ina IGI.-šú GUR₄-ma must be drawn from somewhere between the first entry in the base text and the entry cited in l. 4. Neither are commented on in CCP 3.1.55.G.

4This protasis is also explained in CCP 3.1.55.G o 3.

5The apparent equation of Jupiter in the base text with Mercury may be due to the fact that it shares the name “Marduk planet” with Mercury (Brown 2000: 57).

6The protasis quoted in l. 8 is explained differently in CCP 3.1.55.G o 5 (as: “Together with Jupiter it grows small in the west and sets early”).

7Restoration based on the presumed parallel in o 6-7.

8Yoke Constellation = Jupiter.

9Yoke Constellation = Jupiter.

10Pleiades = Sebettu.

11Yoke Constellation = Jupiter.

12Yoke Constellation = Mars.

13Jupiter = Venus.

14This explanation appears to equate Jupiter with Venus and the Field with Ares.

15Compare BAK no. 323 (Asb. Typ i-k).

© Trustees of the British Museum

Courtesy of the Trustees of the British Museum