CCP 6.1.9 - Aa II/1 (pirsu 9)

Catalogue information
National Museum of Iraq
IM 74411
W 22313
UrukUruk, Ue XVIII/1 Schnittgraben, südl. Hä. Ostrand
SpTU 1 140
Uruk Foto Nr. 13101, 13108

Civil & Green & Lambert, 1979M. Civil, Green, M. W. , and Lambert, W. G. , Ea A = nâqu, Aa A = nâqu, with their Forerunners and Related Texts. Pontificium Institutum Biblicum, 1979.: 267-268 no.



Base text: 
Aa II/1 (pirsu 9)
Tablet information
1 (or >)
obv 11 (+ e. 2), rev 8 (+ e. 1)
3,7 × 4,0 × 2,2 cm

Clancier, 2009P. Clancier, Les bibliothèques en Babylonie dans le deuxième moitié du 1er millénaire av. J.-C. Ugarit-Verlag, 2009.
[Maison des āšipu, Ue XVIII]
: 281, 391

Frahm, 2011E. Frahm, Babylonian and Assyrian Text Commentaries. Origins of Interpretation. Ugarit-Verlag, 2011.: 244, 296

Gabbay, 2016U. Gabbay, The Exegetical Terminology of Akkadian Commentaries. Brill, 2016.: 75 (4′), 128 (10′), 226, 228 (3′)

Genty, 2010aT. Genty, Les commentaires dans les textes cunéiformes assyro-babyloniens. MA thesis, 2010.: 507

Hunger, 1976H. Hunger, Spätbabylonische Texte aus Uruk. Teil I. Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1976.
[No edition, only catalogue information and copy]
: 110 no. 140

Fadhil & van Ess, 10/2017 (Museum number)
Jiménez, 10/2017 (ATF Transliteration)
Jiménez, 10/2017 (Translation)
Jiménez, 10/2017 (Introduction)
By Enrique Jiménez | Make a correction or suggestion
How to cite
Jiménez, E., 2017, “Commentary on Aa II/1 (pirsu 9) (CCP 6.1.9),” Cuneiform Commentaries Project (E. Frahm, E. Jiménez, M. Frazer, and K. Wagensonner), 2013–2024; accessed July 27, 2024, at DOI: 10079/cz8w9vf
© Cuneiform Commentaries Project (Citation Guidelines)

This small and badly broken fragment contains meager remains of a commentary on the beginning of the second tablet of the lexical series Ea. The two preserved entries deal with the possible readings of the sign ; some of the equations are well attested elsewhere (see e.g. the commentary on obv 7′).

The edition below follows closely Civil’s edition in MSL 14.1


Powered by Oracc
(Base textCommentaryQuotations from other texts)


SpTU 1, 140[via ccpo]

&P348559 = CCP 6.1.9 ( = IM 74411
#project: ccpo
#atf: lang akk-x-stdbab
#atf: use unicode
#atf: use math
#atf: use legacy


1'. !bs [* du-u] & !bs KAK & !zz x#-x# [x] x# [...]
#lem: X; X; u; u; u; u

#tr.en: @i{kak}, [read /du/,] means … […]
2'. !zz & & !cm ba-nu-u₂ : !qt x# x# [...]
#lem: +banû[create//creating]V'N$; u; u; u

#tr.en:   it means “to create,” (as in) […]
3'. !zz & & !cm ša₂ ina EŠ₂.GAR₃ A[N ...]
#lem: ša[that]REL; ina[in]PRP; iškāri[text series]N; u; u

#tr.en:   which [is said] in the series … […].
4'. !zz & & !cm ša₂-niš a-sa-am-[...]
#lem: šanîš[alternatively]AV; u

#tr.en:   alternatively, … […]
5'. !zz & & !zz {+ša?}ŠAH? : ba-ba-x# [...]
#lem: u; u; u

#tr.en:  … […] 
6'. !zz & & !zz ša₂ {+le}lem-nu x# [...]
#lem: ša[of]DET; +lemnu[bad]N$; u; u
#tr.en: @i{said of an evil person} … […] 
7'. !bs * du₃?# & !bs KAK & !cm li-tu : li-[(il)-li-du ...]
#lem: X; +littu[descendant]N$; +littu[descendant]N$; +lillidu[offspring]N$; u

#tr.en: @i{kak}, @i{read dù}, means “descendants,” (i.e.,) “chi[ldren” …]
#note: Compare 11N-T3 ll. 30, 35, and 36 (@i{CCP} 4.2.A.a): @akk{{+du-u}DU₃ : lil-li-du}.
8'. !zz & & !cm lub-ša ša G[I-MEŠ ...]
#lem: +lubšu[clothing]N$lubša; ša[of]DET; qanê[reed arrow]N; u

#tr.en:   “cover made of r[eeds” …]
#note: Compare @i{Ḫg} A II 23ff. (@i{MSL} 7 p. 68): @akk{GI.ŠE.DÙ} = @akk{hab-bur-ru} = @akk{lub-šu ša GI-MEŠ}.
9'. !zz & & !zz ša i-i?-tu₄ [...]
#lem: ša[that]REL; X; u
#note: The reading adopted in @i{MSL} 14 p. 267, @akk{TUR.TUR-tu₄}, does not fit the traces.
10'. !zz & & !zz lib₃-bu-u₂ ša₂ x#-[...]
#lem: libbū[meaning]PRP; ša[of]DET; u

#tr.en: as in … […]
11'. !zz & & !zz ha-x-ah?# la [...]
#lem: u; u; u

#tr.en:  … […]
$ rest of obverse broken


1'. !zz (x#)-du#-um# :# [...]
#lem: u; u

#tr.en: … […]
2'. !zz x# : sa-x# [...]
#lem: u; u; u

#tr.en: … […]

1'. !zz & & !zz it-[...]
#lem: u

#tr.en: … […]
2'. !zz & & !zz NI : x# [...]
#lem: X; u; u

#tr.en: … […]
3'. !zz & & !zz ša₂ pa-[...]
#lem: ša[of]DET; u

#tr.en: … […]
4'. !zz & & !zz NE [...]
#lem: Abu[1]MN; u

#tr.en: … […]
5'. !zz & & !zz x# [...]
#lem: u; u

#tr.en: … […]
6'. !zz & & !zz š[u ...]
#lem: šū[that]IP; u

#tr.en: … […]
7'. !zz & & !zz x# [...]
#lem: u; u

#tr.en: … […]
8'. !zz & & !zz ša₂ [...]
#lem: ša[of]DET; u

#tr.en: … […]
$ rest of reverse broken

1'. !zz [...] x x#-zu : x ka-a-šu₂ !zz [...]
#lem: u; u; u; u; kâšu[delaying]'N; u

#tr.en: […] … @i{“to linger”} […]
#note: As noted by Civil, @i{MSL} 14 p. 268, @i{ka-a-šú} is also attested in LB 852 o 15′ (@i{CCP} 6.1.9.B).