CCP 3.5.42 - Ālu 42 (?)

Catalogue information
National Museum of Iraq
IM 74424
W 22226/1
UrukUruk, Ue XVIII/1 am Fuß von Grab 270, in Höhe der Sarkophagoberfläche
SpTU 1 78

Besnier, 2009 (GKAB)

Hunger, 1976H. Hunger, Spätbabylonische Texte aus Uruk. Teil I. Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1976.: 80 no. 78

DivinationTerrestrial omens (Šumma Ālu)


Base text: 
Ālu 42 (?)
Tablet information
1 (or >)
obv 9, rev 9
2,3 × 3,8 × 1,9 cm
Early Hellenistic (late 4th cent) (Uruk, Iqīšāya)

Clancier, 2009P. Clancier, Les bibliothèques en Babylonie dans le deuxième moitié du 1er millénaire av. J.-C. Ugarit-Verlag, 2009.
[Descendants d'Ekur-zakir, Associé à W 22226/0 (éco Descendants d'Ekur-zakir)]
: 389

Frahm, 1998E. Frahm, Anmerkungen zu den ālu-Kommentaren aus Uruk, N.A.B.U. Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires, vol. 1998/11, 1998.

Frahm, 2011E. Frahm, Babylonian and Assyrian Text Commentaries. Origins of Interpretation. Ugarit-Verlag, 2011.: 198, 294

Freedman, 1998S. M. Freedman, If a City is set on a Height. The Akkadian omen series šumma ālu ina mēlê šakin. Volume 1: Tablets 1-21. The University of Pennsylvania Museum, 1998.
[EAE 42 (?)]
: 10

Genty, 2010aT. Genty, Les commentaires dans les textes cunéiformes assyro-babyloniens. MA thesis, 2010.
: 421

Hunger, 1976H. Hunger, Spätbabylonische Texte aus Uruk. Teil I. Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1976.
: 80 no. 78

Besnier, 01/2009 (ATF Transliteration)
Besnier, 01/2009 (Lemmatization)
Jiménez, 05/2015 (Revision)
Jiménez, 05/2015 (Translation)
Jiménez, 05/2015 (Introduction)
Jiménez, 08/2016 (Commentary markup)
Fadhil & van Ess, 10/2017 (Museum number)
By Enrique Jiménez | Make a correction or suggestion
How to cite
Jiménez, E., 2015, “Commentary on Ālu 42 (?) (CCP 3.5.42),” Cuneiform Commentaries Project (E. Frahm, E. Jiménez, M. Frazer, and K. Wagensonner), 2013–2024; accessed October 11, 2024, at DOI: 10079/9s4mwkg
© Cuneiform Commentaries Project (Citation Guidelines)

This tiny fragment was found in Uruk, among other tablets belonging to the tablet collection of Iqīšāya. Its first editor already suspected that it could contain a commentary on the divinatory series Šumma Ālu.1 Freedman identifies it as a commentary on the 42nd tablet of that series, on account of that fact that it features oxen (o 9’) and the verb “to go wild” (šegû, r 5’), both words being very common in that tablet.2 Although it seems likely, too little of the fragment is preserved to assess this identification.

The present edition has benefited greatly from an electronic edition prepared by Marie-Françoise Besnier for the GKAB project, kindly made available by Eleanor Robson. It also makes use of a photograph of the tablet that was generously shared with the editor by Hermann Hunger.


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(Base textCommentaryQuotations from other texts)


SpTU 1, 078[via ccpo]

oo NaN  (start of obverse missing)
o 1'o 1'

[...] x

[...] ...

o 2'2'

[...] x-ru-u

[...] ...

o 3'3'

[...] x ZI.GA

[...] ... exit

o 4'4'

[...] qu--e

[...] ... lamentation

o 5'5'

[...] še-ḫa-an

[...] ... ecstatic

o 6'6'


[...] ...

o 7'7'

[...] ta x x x

[...] ...

o 8'8'

[...]-x-ú GAZú :

[...] ... means “to break.”

o 9'9'

[...]-na GU₄-MEŠ

[...] ... oxen

o 10'10'

[...] x x

[...] ...

(rest of obverse missing)
rr NaN  (start of reverse missing)
r 1'r 1'

[...] x x x x [x]

[...] ...

r 2'2'

[...]-x : dME.ME : šá da-a-ru la-ku

[...] means Gula, ...

r 3'3'

[...] dEN.LÍL :

[...] Enlil.

r 4'4'

[...] BIRaḫ : * ina É NA

[...] will be scattered. If in a man’s house

r 5'5'

[...]-x : še-gu-ú

[...] ... means “wild.”

r 6'6'

[...] : BI ina BÚN

[...], that man in ...

r 7'7'

[...]-e : .si

[...] a house. “He will continuously cry” [...]

r 8'8'

[...] x [(x)] x :

[...] ...

r 9'9'


[...] ...

(rest of reverse missing)