Catalog of Cuneiform Commentaries

Displaying 301 - 325 of 882

(Search tipsMuseum or Excavation No: e.g. K.1913, BM 42882, 83-1-18,727, Ash.1924,492, or VAT 17122.
Copy or Edition: e.g. Finkel, 2005 or Civil, 1974, (with comma); but CT 41 28 or SpTU 1 142 (no comma). Also Civil, 1974, or SpTU 1.
No quotation marks!

CCP and CDLI no Museum or Exc nosort descending Copy Editions Genre Owner and Scribe Edition Rubric
6.7.A (P461274) BM 62741 Lambert Folio 10187 [tr] LexicalGod lists Yes Broken
3.6.2.E (P461275) BM 64539 AfO 19 p. 151 [Pinches]

de Zorzi, 2014N. de Zorzi, La serie teratomantica Šumma Izbu. Testo, tradizione, orizzonti culturali. Sargon Editice e Libreria, 2014.: 501, 504-505

Leichty, 1970E. Leichty, The Omen Series Šumma Izbu. Augustin, 1970.: 232

DivinationTeratological omensIzbu Tabular No ṣâtu 2c
3.7.2.A.b (P461276) BM 65706 AfO Beih 27 pl. 26

Böck, 2000B. Böck, Die babylonisch-assyrische Morphoskopie. Berger & Söhne, 2000.: 238-247

DivinationPhysiognomicAlamdimmû No Broken
1.1.A.b (P461277) BM 66606 Lambert Folio 9877 [tr], MC 16 pl. 37

Frahm & Jiménez, 2015E. Frahm and Jiménez, E. , Myth, Ritual, and Interpretation. The Commentary on Enūma eliš I–VII and a Commentary on Elamite Month Names, Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel, vol. 4, pp. 293-343, 2015.

LiteraryEnūma eliš No Broken
4.1.18 (P461278) BM 66873 Lambert Folio 9840 [tr] MedicalDiagnostic and prognostic Yes ṣâtu 3b
1.4 (P404917) BM 66882 BWL pl. 26 [BM 66882+ BM 76506], CT 41 40-41 [BM 66882], Lambert Folios 1568-1573 [copy]

Lambert, 1960bW. G. Lambert, Babylonian Wisdom Literature. Clarendon Press, 1960.: 63-89

Oshima, 2014T. Oshima, Babylonian Poems of Pious Sufferers. Ludlul Bēl Nēmeqi and the Babylonian Theodicy. Mohr Siebeck, 2014.: 439-464

LiteraryTheodicy Nabû-nādin-šumi s. Bēl-x-[o] (owner) Yes ṣâtu 7a
3.6.4.A (P461279) BM 66887

de Zorzi, 2011aN. de Zorzi, Divinazione e intertestualità : la serie divinatoria shumma izbu e il suo orizzonte culturale. PhD thesis, 2011.: 217-219

de Zorzi, 2014N. de Zorzi, La serie teratomantica Šumma Izbu. Testo, tradizione, orizzonti culturali. Sargon Editice e Libreria, 2014.: 342-343

DivinationTeratological omensIzbu LB No Broken
3.7.2.I (P461280) BM 66963 AfO Beih 27 pl. 30 [obv], BiOr 59 p. 361 [rev]

Böck, 1998B. Böck, Review of Wiggermann CM 1, Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, vol. 93, pp. 636-639, 1998.: 638

DivinationPhysiognomicAlamdimmû No Broken
4.1.4.B (P285998) BM 66965 CT 51 136, Lambert Folio 9882 [tr]

Wee, 2012J. Wee, The Practice of Diagnosis in Mesopotamian Medicine: With Editions of Commentaries on the Diagnostic Series Sa-gig. PhD thesis, 2012.: 579-591

MedicalDiagnostic and prognostic Yes Broken
4.2.U (P461281) BM 67179 Geller Unpub. copy, Lambert Folio 9885 [tr] MedicalTherapeutic texts Yes Broken
6.1.13.A (P461282) BM 68583 MSL 14 pl. iv [Lambert]

Civil & Green & Lambert, 1979M. Civil, Green, M. W. , and Lambert, W. G. , Ea A = nâqu, Aa A = nâqu, with their Forerunners and Related Texts. Pontificium Institutum Biblicum, 1979.: 287-288 no.

LexicalAa No Other
1.1.A.c (P461283) BM 69594 Lambert Folio 10262 [tr], MC 16 pl. 36

Frahm & Jiménez, 2015E. Frahm and Jiménez, E. , Myth, Ritual, and Interpretation. The Commentary on Enūma eliš I–VII and a Commentary on Elamite Month Names, Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel, vol. 4, pp. 293-343, 2015.

LiteraryEnūma eliš No Broken
3.1.u43 (P461284) BM 72221 Lambert Folio 10304 [tr] DivinationAstrological. Enūma Anu Enlil No
3.4.4.H (P461285) BM 73643 BLO pl. xvi no. 51

Koch-Westenholz, 2000bU. Koch-Westenholz, Babylonian Liver Omens. The Chapters Manzāzu, Padānu and Pān Tākalti of the Babylonian Extispicy Series mainly from Aššurbanipal's Library. Museum Tusculanum, 2000.: 262 no. 51

DivinationExtispicy (Bārûtu) No Broken
3.1.u44 (P461286) BM 73744 DivinationAstrological. Enūma Anu Enlil No Broken
7.2.u71 (P461287) BM 74141 Lambert Folio 10297 [tr] MiscellaneaUnknown Yes Broken
3.1.58.D.a (P470059) BM 75228

Reiner & Pingree, 1998bE. Reiner and Pingree, D. , Babylonian Planetary Omens. Part Three. Styx, 1998.: 68-70

DivinationAstrological. Enūma Anu Enlil No mašʾaltu
6.5 (P461289) BM 76487 CT 41 45 [obv]

Labat, 1933R. Labat, Commentaires assyro-babyloniens sur les présages. Imprimerie-Librairie de l’Université, 1933.: 128-133 no. 22

LexicalLion's Blood No Broken
4.2.AA (P461290) BM 76695 Lambert Folio 10196 [tr] MedicalTherapeutic texts Yes Broken
3.1.u45 (P461291) BM 76985 Lambert Folio 10199 [tr] DivinationAstrological. Enūma Anu Enlil Yes Broken
3.1.u46 (P461292) BM 77121 DivinationAstrological. Enūma Anu Enlil No
7.2.u73 (P461293) BM 77196 MiscellaneaUnknown Yes Broken
3.7.2.F.b (P461294) BM 77261 AfO Beih 27 pl. 26

Böck, 2000B. Böck, Die babylonisch-assyrische Morphoskopie. Berger & Söhne, 2000.: 264-275

DivinationPhysiognomicAlamdimmû No Broken
3.1.u47 (P461296) BM 77746 DivinationAstrological. Enūma Anu Enlil No
3.5.49 (P461298) BM 92683 CT 41 30-31

Labat, 1933R. Labat, Commentaires assyro-babyloniens sur les présages. Imprimerie-Librairie de l’Université, 1933.: 56-65

DivinationTerrestrial omens (Šumma Ālu) Nabû-balāssu-iqbi s. Marduk-zēru-ibni d. Egibatila (owner) Nabû-šumu-līšir (his son) (scribe) Yes ṣâtu 3b
