Catalog of Cuneiform Commentaries

Displaying 26 - 50 of 139

(Search tipsMuseum or Excavation No: e.g. K.1913, BM 42882, 83-1-18,727, Ash.1924,492, or VAT 17122.
Copy or Edition: e.g. Finkel, 2005 or Civil, 1974, (with comma); but CT 41 28 or SpTU 1 142 (no comma). Also Civil, 1974, or SpTU 1.
No quotation marks!

CCP and CDLI no Museum or Exc nosort ascending Copy Editions Genre Owner and Scribe Edition Rubric
7.2.u2 (P348560) IM 135049 SpTU 1 141 MiscellaneaUnknown Yes Broken
7.2.u73 (P461293) BM 77196 MiscellaneaUnknown Yes Broken
7.2.u71 (P461287) BM 74141 Lambert Folio 10297 [tr] MiscellaneaUnknown Yes Broken
7.2.u70 (P461273) BM 61981 MiscellaneaUnknown No Broken
7.2.u69 (P461265) BM 59237 Lambert Folio 9770 [tr] MiscellaneaUnknown Yes Broken
7.2.u68 (P461264) BM 55610 MiscellaneaUnknown No
7.1.1 (P461256) BM 54311 Lambert Folio 9177 [tr], OLA 40 pl. 56 no. 62 [rev.] MiscellaneaVaria No
7.2.u65 (P461252) BM 53912 MiscellaneaUnknown No
7.2.u64 (P461251) BM 53611 MiscellaneaUnknown No Broken
7.2.u63 (P461249) BM 53149 MiscellaneaUnknown No Broken
7.2.u175 (P470055) BM 49018 MiscellaneaUnknown Yes
7.2.u174 (P470054) BM 48988 MiscellaneaUnknown No Broken
7.2.u171 (P470051) BM 48728 MiscellaneaUnknown Yes Broken
7.2.u170 (P470050) BM 48672 MiscellaneaUnknown No
7.2.u166 (P470046) BM 48532 MiscellaneaUnknown Yes Broken
7.2.u165 (P470044) BM 48375 MiscellaneaUnknown Yes
7.2.u59 (P461239) BM 48042 MiscellaneaUnknown Yes Broken
7.2.u160 (P470039) BM 47948 MiscellaneaUnknown Yes
7.2.u57 (P461237) BM 47802 MiscellaneaUnknown Yes Broken
7.2.u56 (P461234) BM 47668 MiscellaneaUnknown Yes Broken
7.1.6.A.a (P461233) BM 47661 MiscellaneaVaria Yes Broken
7.1.6.A.b (P461230) BM 47458 Lambert Folio 10045 [tr] [obverse] MiscellaneaVaria Yes
7.2.u55 (P461227) BM 46864 MiscellaneaUnknown Yes Broken
7.2.u156 (P470035) BM 46502 MiscellaneaUnknown No
7.2.u155 (P470034) BM 46457 MiscellaneaUnknown No
